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Zayn and Liam stood in the doorway to the kitchen, watching Vincent murmuring to Ares and Eirene. By the depth of Ares' frown, Zayn knew his dad was not happy.

Eloise, Micah, and Lilith didn't know what was going on, but they knew better than to intervene as they stayed silent and observant.

Piper and her parents sat at the table, watching Vincent too.

"Piper knows," Liam said to Zayn through their mind-link.

"Knows what?" Louis replied, appearing behind the boys with Harry.

"Who Vincent really is. She's much older than she looks too."

"How do you know?" Zayn asked, placing his arm on top of Louis' arm which was on Liam's shoulder.

Liam shrugged and brought their attention back to Ares who crossed his arms and curled his lips into a flat line.

"He's angry" Zayn muttered so Harry could
hear too. Eirene didn't show any expression, which was a warning sign for her son. "Mum's upset."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

When Vincent stopped talking, Ares shook his head with disappointment.

"I don't understand. Why would you make me look like a fool in front of my family? I put all of my faith into you, and you've thrown it back in my face Vincent."

"I didn't mean to be disrespectful. Reyana couldn't"

"Reyana would have never found out that you were the God of lightning. You clearly didn't trust us as much as we trusted you.'"

"I'm sorry Aees. Lying to you all was a much safer option than Reyana finding out and killing you and your entire family. I will do anything to protect my boys. I know you would do the same for Zayn," Vincent said carefully as Athena pushed through the boys who crowded the doorway.

"Now, now," she said, resting her hands on her hips while Carlos placed warm hands on his grandchild's shoulders. "Enough of this Ares. Vincent did what he did to keep us alive."

"You knew?" Eirene asked though she didn't seem surprised.

"I did indeed" Athena smiled. "Vincent came to myself and Carlos for guidance. He could see my gift and knew I could help. He asked me if it was right to keep this a secret from you both, and I said yes. In the meantime, we tracked the whereabouts of Reyana and saw that her daughter was transitioning. Cordelia isn't poison like her mother, and now that Reyana has no powers, Vincent can finally tell his secret in confidence, knowing we will all be safe."

Ares slowly released his frown. "I can't believe this. I'm going for a run." He quickly made his way to the door with Eirene closely behind. If anyone could make him relax, it would be her.

Zayn watched his parents turn into wolves and run together through the field. His dad didn't like to be angry in front of his son.

"He'll have to tell his pack" Zayn said. "He hates secrets, always has."

"It's okay, I know he will learn to accept my past," Vincent said and motioned for Piper's dad to stand with him. "Boys, this is Flynn. He's my Beta wolf."

Harry couldn't get to Flynn quick enough after recognising the werewolf.

"You used to babysit us when we were little!"

"I did" Flynn smiled and watched his Alpha for commands.

"I knew you would be introduced to him properly one day" Vincent said proudly. "My pack have been with me for hundreds of years; they are family to me now.!"

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