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"Yes, I am an original God," Reyana said carefully. "My daughter gets her jealousy from me."

"Wait, if you're an original God, that means..." Zayn's words trailed off out of shock.

"That means you killed all of the other Gods for power," Eirene finished, feeling Ares' arms wrap tighter around her.

"I did" Reyana looked down, twisting her wave shaped ring.

Aiolos noticed how her green nails had chipped at the edges.

"Zayn," he thought with blood running cold. "It was Reyana who tried to kill me."

"What?" Zayn watched him out of the corner of his eye, not wanting to make it obvious that they were talking. "How do you know?"

"Look at her hands."

Zayn remembered asking Liam if he knew what the God looked like and he said no. The only part of her he did see were her hands, with green nils and a ring shaped like a wave.

"She tried to frame her daughter. Reyana is gaining our trust by lying to our faces." Zayn opened a mind like with his parents, telling him the same thing.

"What do we do?" he asked.

"Stay calm and don't let her know that we know. If we know she's disloyal, we are already one step ahead," Eirene replied.

Although, Aiolos stared at Reyana's hands for too long and her suspicions grew.

"That was a long time ago," Reyana continued. "I have spent years thinking about my mistakes. Who I used to be has gone. I was bitter and envious of the power that I wasn't granted."

"So you killed everyone, even Aiolos, the original leader of the wolves?" Vincent questioned.

"Yes, thinking I would get his power. Instead, all got was a terrible misfortune of bad luck, year after year as a punishment I presume. I've been weak and unable to do almost anything useful with my powers until the revival of the Gods a few weeks ago."

"So, by killing the God of Gods, you don't get their power?" Zayn asked.


"Then why haven't you told your daughter that?And how did she manage to freeze the water in the bath if she's not a God?"

Reyana's eyes darkened with annoyance.

"She is a daughter of a God; surely she will have some of my powers."

A storm had started to drift overhead. Liam could no longer hold it back.

"Why did you not get the powers from Aiolos when you killed him all those years ago?" Ares questioned.

"I don't know. I have a feeling the power was stored in other members of his family, waiting to be passed on through generations until the time was right." Reyana stepped closer, glancing at the sky.

"So, killing him again will benefit you how?" Zayn crossed his arms. The anger fizzled into his actions.

"It won't, but.." Reyana stopped and cleared her throat when Aiolos stared at her hands again. "I'm not trying to kill him. My daughter- I've clearly raised her wrong."

"Ares," a voice said from a few meters away. The wolves turned to Miach who stood anxiously.

"I don't think you can trust this woman. We have been listening from the trees, and we heard Samuel and Cordelia talking, they didn't know we were there."

"What did they say?" Ares didn't know they had  followed. Angel's and demon's scents are much different to humans and werewolves.


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