Detention With The Clown

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As I put my bag down, I see Emily talking to Helene, this girl that's been at the school for a long time, left for one year and whom no one really talks to because she destroyed all their friendships or some bullshit like that.

While I avoid her because she's strict and I don't want to talk to her anyways, Emily talks to her just about everyday. I try to get Emily's attention, but she doesn't even NOTICE me. Now, that stings. I gave her the position of Best Friend Number 1, mostly because she was my first friend in years, and I met her LAST year while I met Izzy this year, and I feel like TAKING it back and DEMOTING her to the position of JUST a friend because she spends MORE time with Helene than she does with ME.

Seriously, if someone didn't know them, they could be MISTAKEN for BEST friends. That ignites just the tiniest bit of jealousy within me, but if I was as close to her as before, I would've KILLED Helene by now, because NO ONE takes MY best friend away from me. I guess now I know how she destroyed everyone's friendships. By STEALING their friends. To be honest, it was in a way similar to how Sunset Shimmer destroyed the Rainboom's friendships in EqG, but that's besides the point.

I HATE her. Emily looks at me for a fraction of a second, as if she KNOWS what I'm feeling, but I IGNORE her pity and decide to wait for Izzy. And then I realize something. It's THURSDAY today. Not that Thursday is special, but Izzy always skips school on Thursday for some reason. 

Sighing, I slump into my seat and wait miserably for the teacher to come.

Emily tries to talk to me at break time, but still angered by how she ignored me earlier, I decide to give her a taste of her OWN medicine and IGNORE her. She gives up after a few tries, and sadly looks at me.

Well, I feel no pity, because she bloody DESERVES it. How DARE she ignore me just because of some girl she met recently. Even if Helene is a good talking companion...she can't ditch me like that! Yeah, she's not getting away with it.

When I get home,  I turn my phone on to see that Emily's texted me. Clicking on the notification, I read all seventeen of her messages within a few seconds.


I get that you're angry

Cause I talk to Helene


If you ignore me like this

I won't be your friend anymore

I don't want to be friends with

Someone who's so immature

That they don't know how to handle

A friendship

So yeah

You got a new friend

Be happy with her

Good luck

With her

I'll be

Happy for


Yeah, she's one of those people who send in seventeen messages the things they could've sent in one or two. Sighing, I begin typing.

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