Chapter 5: A Dance With Death

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Melony stretched and got up, yet something felt off. Her head feels fuzzy. Her legs are wobbly. Her body is shaking uncontrollably, but she isn't even scared. The world begins to spin in her vision, and she falls over, panting and beginning to panic. Unknown pain filling up her veins, causing her to scream briefly. She looked up, swearing she could see Axol. But before she can reach... She passes out.

Around her, she can hear stars twinkling. She opened her eyes to be greeted with... A void? She shook her head and stood as best she could, looking around. "Melonyy~," someone whispered. She jumped and turned her head to find Ax0l, causing her to scream and fall over, backing away from him. She hit something as the world becomes this space-world... Yet she can breathe perfectly fine.

All of a sudden, she turned into her Deity. He held out a hand, and she hesitated, right before gently taking his hand. He then spun her around and almost had her fall before using his other hand to keep her up. This went on for a few minutes, and she forgot that it wasn't really Axol. She opened her eyes and saw him grin. He let her go, and she fell into space, screaming as she reached for him. All she got in response was him laughing as she fell into the void.

"Maybe you should've tried harder." A voice whispered. She then heard many others taunting her. She held her head and cried quietly, her body shaking. "Please...! I'm sorry...!" She sobbed. The more whispers that spoke, the more sanity she felt was slipping away. She saw Niles and tried to reach him, crying. He ignored her and she continued to fall.

She woke in a sweat, panting. She looked around as ringing entered her ears, rubbing the blurriness out her eyes. Meggy stood next to her in worry. "Are you okay?" She asked. Melony nods before sitting up. "I think.. Just a nightmare." She mutters. Meggy asks, "Are you sure?" All she can do is nod again as she thinks about that nightmare.

What was that about? Why were Niles there? Is it a sign? It shouldn't matter - as it was just a dream - but the quote says, "All dreams have a meaning," so how could she not think about it? She got up and rubbed her head. She glanced outside the room, seeing Axol again. "Axol..?" She muttered under her breath. She walks over, stumbling. She fell over before she could reach him, and when she looked up, he was gone. "But... I.... Axol..." She whispered, a tear falling.

She didn't want to remember Axol was gone. She wanted to wake up and think Axol was comforting her. She didn't want to be without him if she was going through as much as she was. Melony stood up and turned to face Meggy, who was looking at her in concern. "You okay, Melony?" "I-I think." She sighs. Meggy put her arm around her, saying, "Let me help you walk to lunch, you need food."

Melony nodded and stumbled as she's led to the cafeteria. She sat down next to Bob, and her head landed face first onto the table. "Are you okay, Melony?" Boopkins asked. Melony looked up at Boopkins with an exhausted look. "I'm fine... I think." She muttered. "Well we were told you fainted out of nowhere in the middle of class after asking to go to the bathroom."

Melony paused. She did have to go to the bathroom before she passed out, but... She didn't need to anymore. "Huh..." She whispered. She glanced at Bob, who was busy listening to music. She shrugged before looking back at Meggy. She ate her sandwich and offered Melony the half she didn't want. She gladly took it and ate, especially since she didn't get food and she was not going to be getting any from the cafeteria.

She saw Axol again and shook her head, but no matter what, he didn't go. He just stood there, kicking his legs and smiling softly. He wasn't even looking at her. He was just... There... She paused and smiled softly. She enjoyed knowing he was watching her. He then turned his head to look at her and spoke, "I'll be your protector for as long as I can. See you when you go rest tonight.."

After he said that, he faded away. Melony smiled and nodded, continuing to eat. It didn't matter if his words were true or not. What mattered was that he visited her outside of a dream! It made it feel like a dream in of itself! But her happiness was cut short when a drink spilled onto her hoodie. "AAH! Hey! Watch it!!" She yelled, turning her head. A kid snickered and ran off.

She noticed Niles sitting alone and got up as soon as she finished her sandwich, going to sit next to him. She had a flash of him staring at her for a brief moment and shuddered, but went anyway. It probably wasn't real!

She smiled as she took a seat next to him. "Why are you sitting alone?" She asked. Niles looked up from his phone and responded, "Nobody around here is interesting enough." She laughed, "I'm sure there's someone!" "Nah, you're the only cool one. Ya know, with your Deity and all." Niles grinned. Melony simply shook her head and looked down. "Do you not have any food with you?" She spoke, worried. Niles shook his head. "Not hungry, so I didn't get anything." He stated, much to her dismay. "But you have to eat something!" She whined. "I know, just wasn't feeling like it. I'll eat later." She frowned. He was being difficult and for what?!

Melony glanced outside. "You really did pick a good spot." "The only good spots are next to windows." He remarked. She nodded and smiled. "You're lucky." She looked at him the moment he said that. "What?" Niles looked confused. "Did I say something?"

Melony looked at him, puzzled, "But I thought you just..." Niles shook his head. "I think your imagination is going crazy. Maybe you need something you always try getting. And that's called a nap." He said sarcastically. Melony huffed before nodding. "Well... Maybe I do.. But whatever." She sighed.

The bell rang and she got up, waving goodbye as she walked off. Did he really say that? Was she going crazy? What was that dream and why did she pass out?! There were so many questions going through her head... But they'll be answered soon. Very soon.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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