Chapter 2: Detention With Friends

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(Warning before continuing: This chapter is all about the Revelations Arc. Specifically the video titled "Mario Gets Infinite Detention". If you want, check it out first! You can come back afterwards with more of a understanding of the dialog and actions in the past part and a bit of an understanding of the chapter as a whole.)

Melony awoke with a smile on her face, her eyes looking out the window as she got up and moved the curtains to see the blue sky in all its glory. She sighed contently, feeling a sense of peace. The dream had refreshed her mind, pushing the negativity to the back of her mind. She turned to the dorm door and opened it, calmly walking out. And, after getting a snack.. She slept.

[Months ago...]

Melony grumbled quietly as she was placed in detention. It wasn't her fault, after all! She saw SwagMaster696969 and sighed. She knew this would be annoying. She watched SMG4 and Meggy hurry and write whatever Swag wanted, and Melony just didn't pay attention. She began to zone out, but...

She felt something hit her. A spit dart. Turning her head, she noticed this strange guy shooting spit darts at her. She grumbled as he didn't show any signs of stopping his behavior. She tried to stay calm, and he just WOULD. NOT. STOP. She was growing more and more annoyed.

He then started throwing paper airplanes at her. She was keeping still, but she was slowly getting angered. She looked over and saw him chuckling as he prepared another. Suddenly, Mario flew in threw the door and onto the floor. "Oh Mario. Sometimes It's best to just follow the rules." Meggy said as she turned back to the board and continued to write. "I know right. Like writing lines on a board isn't even that big of a task." SMG4 said, sounding a bit annoyed. He then cheered up, "Just look at how many lines I've done already!" "Nice! You've done a lot!" Meggy exclaimed, "Almost as much as me!"

Melony watched as they got into an race of sorts, confusion on her face. Suddenly, the room was covered in smoke. She couldn't see a thing! Moments later, she saw Mario taped on the ceiling. At this point, she couldn't be any more confused. Suddenly, someone was thrown and hit Swag. "ALRIGHT WHO'S THE WISE GUY?!?!" Swag said, clear anger in his voice. "MARIO WAS THAT YOU?!" "I WISH IT WAS ME! LET ME DOWN!!" Mario screamed. "It was her!" A guy said. Melony realized it was the bully and was shocked. She didn't do anything!

She looked at Swag and shook her head multiple times, her eyes wide and iris big. "Melony! You're on this ice, young melon." Swag said, which made her upset. "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" She felt her heart stop as she heard those words. It wasn't even her fault, and here Swag was, doing this to her! She looked as though she was going to cry, before getting annoyed and looking at the bully with a side-eye. "What was that for?!" She asked, angered and upset. Instead of getting an answer, he threw another student! Melony gasped in fear.. Swag wasn't going to like that.

As she expected, Swag wasn't happy. He grabbed many students from outside and threw them one by one. She tried dodging, but eventually got hit by one. She yelped as she hit the wall and fell onto the floor.

[Present time...]

Melony sighed and remembered Axol. The kiss, the hugs.. The chaos and the tragedy. She was confused on if he was her offical or unoffical boyfriend. Remembering the book, she jumped up and walked to the desk and got the same book, flipping to the page and reminiscing the times they had together.

Her mind started to wander until she heard a thud, which disrupted her thoughts and caused her to jump. She walked outside and then got shoved by a random kid. "Hey! What was that for?" She yelled, before noticing Mario in a literal car. "Mario!! Get that out of the dorms!!" Meggy screamed as she ran after him.

Lo and behold, she was in detention yet again. She grumbled as she watched everyone. The same guy was next to her again, but she wasn't in the mood for his trouble-making-self. She yawned and looked at Meggy, who was writing on the chalkboard. Melony decided to do the work this time instead of running out with Mario and escape from a yodeling SwagMaster. As she began to write, she yelped as someone crashed into her. It was just a fellow classmate. "I'm so sorry, ma'am!" The student said as he got up. She smiled and said, "No worries, it happens."

She sat back down and continued to write, her mind wandering to a different place than where it was meant to be. She stayed quiet and began to hum. Melony minded her business until the same guy began throwing paper airplanes at her head again. She took a deep breath and continued even while he was hitting her head with the paper airplanes.

She noticed Mario was basically acting like he was having a seizure and asked, "Mario, are you.. Are you ok?" "He's fine, this happens sometimes. This may just be the first time you saw it in person.." SMG4 said as he looked over at her. "Wait- why are you here, 4?" Meggy said as she looked over in confusion. He let out a nervous laugh and muttered, "Ask SMG3.." "Hey! Don't blame me! It was totally your fault, you.. Baka!" SMG3 yelled in annoyance. She watched him cross his arms and pout as he turned his head. She shook her head and felt another hit her. Meggy turned to Melony and quietly gasped and walked over. "Melony! You got a cut on your cheek.." "I do?" She asked as she touched her cheek, feeling a sting and seeing a bit of blood on her hands.

"Yeah.. Here, lemme take you to the nurse." She said with a smile as she held out her hand. Melony nodded and stood up as they walked out to the nurse.



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