Prologue: Suffering In Silence

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(Hi! Before we start this story I want to mention I own none of the characters and this prologue was made after the first 3 chapters. This story contains spoilers for Revelations and Genesis, so if you haven't watched those arcs, please check them out first! Thank you, and enjoy! Also, this is heavily inspired by other stories with Melony and all of them.)

I wake up with the sun in my face, moving a hand to block some of the rays of light in my eyes. I yawn, stretching before getting up. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Tired eyes, a frown stuck on my face. It has been a few weeks since his passing. I know I have to get over it, but it's too hard. I stare into the mirror before sighing and taking off my outfit, taking a shower. I don't know why, but I keep taking hot showers after the Genesis arc. Maybe because it's comforting.

Whatever the reason is, it isn't something to dwell on. I quickly put on my outfit after my shower and sigh. The silence of the room is a bit too loud, even if I'm all alone. Remembering the memories of him hurt my heart. I didn't think that in the end of 2021 I'd be this sad.

[Flashback - 21 days ago]

Looking at the empty casket, my eyes fill with tears. I can't help myself and cry silently. The casket was meant to hold his body but his body wasn't here anymore. I questioned if Axol was watching us from above as his grave was dug. Glancing at my friends, I immediately knew how hard it hit them.

SMG4 wasn't being funny, SMG3 was looking down with a saddened expression. Perhaps those two weren't hit the hardest. Tari was crying and trying to comfort Luigi. Meggy was trying to look strong, but tears kept falling down her face. Saiko was silent and looking away, and I could see all 4 were hit pretty hard.

It was all so depressing and I didn't want to witness it. Then I saw the ones hit the hardest besides me. Bob looked depressed, not even making a single joke or talking. Boopkins was trying to comfort him. Mario was empty, his eyes soulless and his head down completely. I immediately got concerned, just hoping he'd be okay. Axols death made me realize that he meant more to me than I ever thought he did. He deserved the world, but that world was taken away from him. His life, his joy... All taken because of Zero. I looked down at my hands, shaking. I fell to my knees as I realized he would never come back.

A tear rolls down my cheek - a mix of anger and sadness in my eyes. It's unfair that someone I loved was taken away from me so soon. I had only known him for almost a year and I can't even celebrate Christmas with him anymore. Meggy wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug, one I can't refuse. I hug her back, tears falling down my face.

[Back to the present]

I make my way to the castle, a soft frown on my face. Although I wanted to go to college before this, his death made me so devastated I didn't want to do a single thing besides lay in my bed, but I can't do that. Whenever depression hits you like a truck, what better to do than to just roll with it and battle the pain? Although it hurts to say it, I loved Axol with all my heart. Emptiness is in the void made just for him. Even whenever I embrace the fact he's gone, it doesn't make the pain go away.

I walk up to the castle and sigh. Looking around, I don't see anyone outside. Strange, but it isn't something for me to care about. Surprisingly, when I put my hand on the door, all my sorrow left. This familiar place was filled with so many memories that I didn't have any time to be upset. But then I feel concerned. Not concerned about myself, but about my friends. I wonder if they handled this as bad as I did. Hopefully not, because nobody deserves to go through such heartbreak that they don't feel like life means a thing. Although these worries fill my thoughts, I stop to ponder what my friends are doing. Perhaps they're playing games, being oblivious to the fact they lost a bravehearted, caring person like Axol. Or maybe they're doing something to commemorate his death and willing sacrifice to save us all. Whatever they may be doing, it didn't exactly matter.

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