Chapter 4: Newfound Powers

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After arriving in her class, a strange feeling entered her soul.. A strange voice, beckoning her to summon it. She looked around in confusion, but after not seeing anyone, she shrugged it off and went on about her day. She remembered when she first became a human.. A mask? Was the mask speaking to her now? As if she could tell. Not that it wasn't normal, no - it was extremely nerve-racking to think of!

Either way, she minded her own business and listened to her teacher. The voice didn't leave her alone, but she did her best to ignore it. Of course, due to the chaos of the class, that wasn't very hard to do whatsoever. She thought of what happened in the dream. Axol's words were echoing in her head.

Even though she thought it was silly to think that Niles, who just seemed to be a bully, was evil. Mean, yes, but evil? It seemed like a bit of a stretch to her. Though it was Axol that said it. She trusted him, so maybe it was good to keep his words in mind. Creativity suddenly flowed through her mind, like a burst on energy going through her veins and into her brain. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least.

The voice came back. Whispering hypnotically into her ear, repeating the same line over and over. "Summon me.. Unleash the power hiding inside your body." It called with a soft, echoed whisper. Melony didn't understand why this was happening or what made it happen. Part of her, the deepest part of her was echoing from her soul. "Maybe I should talk to SMG4 about what's going on. He might know something about this." She muttered to herself, looking out the window.

She had forgotten until now that they were having a bus trip! Melony panicked because of it and ran around to get everything ready. She luckily made it just in time, and got onto the bus without any other trouble. When she got on, she already felt tired. Although, it was a bit frustrating to fall asleep. As she tried to do so, Niles was kicking her seat and laughing. She huffed out of annoyance and moved seats, behind Bob. He was playing on his switch and ignoring everything. Sometimes she wondered what Bob was like alone. Maybe he just played games and practiced rapping?

As Melony began to relax, she saw Bob almost fall out of the bus. She ran and grabbed his katana-hand with both of her hands. Holding on tightly, she heard Niles say, "Focus your energy and pull him out." She nodded and tried to focus, not noticing Bob slowly slipping from her grip. She felt herself flash to her Deity, but she was too late. Bob slipped off her grip and fell, leaving her shocked and distraught.

She sat back down, a gloomy look on her face as she felt a tear in her eye. She quickly wiped it away before she started crying. It wasn't just because of her failing, but also because her mind randomly thought of Axol. She didn't know why, that's just what came to mind. She wiped away her tears and tried to stay calm.

They soon came to a halt and she perked up as Shroomy ran outside, looking like he was scared. Why? Did something happen? She looked at where he ran and saw multiple bears. What did they do while I wasn't paying attention for THIS to happen? She thought. Whatever the reasoning, it was seemingly bad enough that her friends were running outside just to stop these bears. Maybe the bears were hungry?

She stood up and walked over to the door, before seeing her friends basically being destroyed by them. A strange feeling of rage entered her body. "Summon me..." The voice was back. She held her head and looked at everyone, flashing to her Deity. What's going on?! Why am I behaving so strangely? It's like I can't control myself! She thought. She took a deep breath before feeling this voice spread inside her body. It wasn't painful. Rather, it made her feel powerful.

She closed her eyes and let it take over. White hair, black eye whites and white eyes, a teal hoodie with a black center and corner, with yellow accents. Moons and triangles made of yellow on the black, and black leggings and boots. She looked up and charged to the bears, hitting them and freeing her friends. She focused her attention on the last one, hitting it without mercy before slamming it into the ground, causing a small explosion.

Melony was left weak as she went back to normal, debris covering part of her body. She tried getting up, but was too exhausted and passed out, much to her friends dismay. "Oh god! Is she okay?!" Meggy yelled, running over to try getting the debris off of her as much as possible. SMG4 ran over as well, helping her with the task. Melony on the other hand, felt weak and light, like she was floating through space without a space suit.

She woke up in the bus, unsure of how she got there or what happened. She rubbed her head and yawned. Still a bit groggy from passing out, she looked around. Confusion was filling her mind. What happened? Are my friends okay? She thought. She had to remember what happened before she passed out, but she didn't. The last she remembered was running out of the bus, and then... Blank. Like her memories were erased. Suddenly...

"You went into overkill mode." Niles spoke. She looked at him in confusion. "Overkill..?" "Yeah. You certainly have a good heart, but that was brutal." He sighed. "I can help you train your Deity powers if you'd like." She gleamed with joy and nodded, "Please do! Wait, what's your name?" "The names Niles. You're Melony, right?" He asked, looking as she nodded once more. "Yes! I'm Melony! Nice to meet you Niles!" She exclaimed.

Over the course of the trip, Melony and Niles spoke to each other, Melony laughing at each joke he cracked out. She had to admit: he was pretty funny. She didn't even bother to remember what Axol had told her. It was too much fun, and she was lost in the moment. Tari turned to look at the duo, but then focused her attention on what she was doing. Melony was confused by that but it didn't really matter. She just assumed Tari was curious on who she was talking to.

She then asked Niles something. "Why do I not remember what happened?" "...I'm going to guess it's because you had no control." He answered after a moment of hesitation. She spoke again, curious, "Well, why do I have a Deity in the first place..?" Niles paused yet again, but this time, for longer. He spoke again, "Possibly because of a mask. Fierce Deity mask. Surely you've heard of it." She seemed happy with his answer, and continued talking to him normally.

It was only a matter of time before her life would be turned upside down... But she didn't care, nor did she know. It was just a waiting game...

At least, one until the truth was revealed.



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