Chapter 1: The Dream

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Melony entered her room, yawning and seeming more upset than ever. She picked up a picture of Axol and herself and asked, "Why didn't I save you? I could've done it, but I just didn't.." She looked out the window, looking at the clouds and stars in the sky. It was almost midnight, and she sighed. It had been almost a year since Axol died. She still didn't get over his death, despite her friend's best attempts. WOTFI 2022 was going to begin sometime soon, but she didn't want to participate.

Melony yawned and looked at the clock. She was too tired to change into her pajamas. Flopping onto her bed, Melony felt a restlessness hit her. She didn't know what was going on with her, but she just couldn't sleep. She remembered his death as if it happened a second ago...

She landed inside of his mind, and after looking around, she gasped. Her eyes went wide from shock because of what she saw. Axol was unable to move, these strange pieces over his legs and arms. She ran to him and summoned her sword, slashing at the pieces. "M-Melony...?" He asked, his voice weak and soft. "Hold on Axol, I'll get you out!" She cried as she continued to slash at it, her sadness began taking a toll on her. Axol sighed and muttered, "Melony..." "I can do it! Don't worry!" She said, tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want to lose Axol. "It's no use, Melony..." He sighed. "No, don't say that! We're so close!!" She cried.

There was a roar made by Zero. Mario said something, but Melony couldn't hear it. "Hurry up Melony! We're losing control!!" SMG4 called from outside his body. Melony looked away for a moment, scared. She didn't have much time.

"Melony... We're out of time. There's only one way left to beat Zero." Axol muttered. She took a step back, her eyes going wide. Tears filled her eyes as she cried, "NO!!" She hugged him tight, sobbing. She put her head on his chest as she spoke, "There has to be another way! There has to be!" She looked at him in desperation. " "Hey.. It'll be ok... You're the strongest girl I know."

She cleared her tears as she faced him once more, and she pulled out a book. It was the one he had given her... Before Zero took hold. She flipped to a page while Axol looked at it.

Melony snapped back to reality upon hearing a knock on her door. "Huh? What's that..?" She looked over at the door as she mumbled. She hesitated as she got up, her eyes darting to face the doorway. Melony stepped towards the door. A sudden thought repeated in her head, stopping her in her tracks. It repeated the same thing...

"It's your fault he's dead."

She gripped her head as she fell to her knees. Tears formed in her eyes, listening to the voice repeat the line. Melony still blamed herself for his death, despite knowing Axol asked her to do it, she just couldn't help but blame herself and regret what she did. She heard the door creak.. She went silent as her eyes slowly moved up to see who entered.

"M-Melony.. Are you okay?" Meggy was standing at the door as she spoke, concern in her voice. Melony couldn't say a word as she hyperventilated. Analyzing the situation, Meggy walked towards Melony and slowly bent down so as to not freak her out. "Melony.. Take deep breaths, and tell me what's wrong. I don't want to freak you out but I don't want you to be hyperventilating, which is the exact thing you're doing."

Melony took a deep breath and wiped any tears that might have formed while she had the breakdown. "S-sorry.." "It's alright.. Now, what happened?" She asked this as Melony wrapped her arms around her. She muttered under her breath, "Axol..."

Meggy sighed and hugged Melony, her grip soft yet tight at the same time. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault..." She whispered, her voice gentle and soft. "I-I know, but.. I can't help but feel that it was." "If it was your fault, you'd think it wasn't." Meggy said, continuing to hug Melony. "Now, try and get some rest. Your body must be tired,"

Melony watched as she left the room and sighed. Turning to the window, she looked outside.. His final words still remained in her head, "Thank you for the adventure". She yawned and looked at the sky. "Axol..? Are you watching me? Do you visit my dreams?" She asked, knowing she wouldn't get a single word from the night sky. Melony walked to her bed and fell asleep, not knowing what was about to hit her...

She landed in a garden, her eyes turning to face everything. That's when she saw it.... Or, him.. "Axol...?" She muttered. He turned to her and smiled, saying, "Hey Melony! How are you?" She felt tears in her eyes and she ran to hug him. "I... I've missed you..." "I've missed you too, Melony. Let out all your tears if you need it, okay?" Axol said, hugging her gently as he closed his eyes. She sobbed as her grip got tighter, memories flashing in her mind. Soon enough she looked up at him and tilted her head as she asked..

"Do you hear me when I talk to you from down here?"

Axol went quiet for a moment before responding, "I do. I've heard you every single time you spoke to me. I wish I could actually be there with you..." Her eyes sparkled a small bit as she looked at him. "I've been trying to forget what happened.. But..." She murmured, her eyes closing as she looked down. Axol spoke, a tad of blush on his face as he said the last part, "I know.. It's hard to forget someone you saw as a potential.. Er... Lover." "Axol... You ARE my lover. You were just gone too soon for it to be official." Melony spoke up, her voice soft as Axol began to blush a bit more, his voice trembling a bit out of surprise and embarrassment

"I-I.. Um..." He whispered, his eyes darting as he tried to find words. She noticed this, but then saw him shake his head and take a deep breath. "Melony, I... There's something I must say. Consider it good news." She tilted her head and responded, "Oh? What is it?..."

"You can revive me if you try hard enough."

"What?!" She exclaimed, her eyes going wide with shock and happiness. "It's got a low chance of working, but yeah. You can revive me with luck and patience.." He smiled as she squealed. She felt a sudden heat on her face and she looked a bit confused, but then heard birds chirping. "It's almost morning, Melony.. You'll have to wake up." "But.. I'll lose contact with you.." "You can speak with me next time! It's not a big deal." Axol smiled as he spoke, and Melony backed up and looked at the garden for a moment. "Alright... Goodbye, Axol!" She exclaimed. "Bye, Melony..! See you!"



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