A big glass shed at hit her stomach, she was bleeding out.

I held her body, apologizing while crying bitterly.

" I'm sorry Ally, so  sorry!" I muttered.

She put her hand on my face.

" Its fine Sirena, Its not your fault." She said softly.

She took one final last breath before going into an eternal slumber.

I screamed in pain. Tears falling.

The police came a few minutes later and arrested me as I was the prime suspect.

At the police station, Ally parents came.

Her mom run to me grabbed me by my collar.

" Sirena! How dare you kill her! I trusted you with my baby girl! How could you!" Her mom shouted.

The police had to forcefully make her release her hands before she collapsed in tears.

I couldn't even blame her. I killed Ally. I took her only child away from her. 

After a few hours of investigating, the police came to a conclusion of self-defensive.

When I went back to school,

I was named as " Murderer".

People avoiding me, rumors spreading about me.

It was hell but I deserved it.

To make sure that never happened again I promised myself to never have a friend. I had kept to this promise for years...until now.

" If that's the case then, welcome to the group Martin and Zenya, hope we can get along." I said.

" Same here." Zenya and Martin replied.

People started to enter the forest, including us.

I was astonished. In all my 25 years of living, I have never see anything like this.

Trees as tall as 10 meters with flowers of neon blue and yellow blooming.

Colorful mushrooms was sprouting on the ground.


The five of us were on high alert.

There was something out there.

From how clear we heard the noise, I could tell it was less than a mile away from us.

It took another minute before we heard another scream.

Shivers went down my spine.

"Here! Take this!" Zenya  whispered as she gave me a dagger.

I could tell that it was handmade.

The blade was made of obsidian, The edges were perfectly made sharp.

The handle was made with wood with carved grip.

Its perfect for a human to have.

She definitely has a talent for weapons.

We heard a sound from a nearby bush.

Our attention immediately turned to the bush.

I looked down and say my hand, shaking.

I might be mentally prepared but my body was definitely not ready.

" Ahhh!" Martin screamed.


A something had pounced on Martin.

It was a demon .

I think it was a Scrion.

A large-sized demon, with a big build, appearance of a tiger who has a big appetite, especially for monsters.

It was classified as a  F- rank demon.

Martin was still on the floor, struggling to get the Scrion of him.

I hold my dagger at my front getting ready to stab it.

I contemplated whether I should take my bracelet off.

Before I could come to a conclusion, Bianca casted a spell to make roots of a tree hold its body down making it immobile.

Then Briana with her claws  jumped from a tree and killed the Scrion in one clean swing, breaking its orb.

Just like that, the Scrion was lying next to Martin, lifeless.

Zenya rushed to his aid and started to heal him.

I'm so useless.

While every was doing their part to take down the Scrion, here I was, hands shivering, deciding if I should to take my bracelet off.

Such a 'good' friend I am!

" Guys! You should  come here and see this!" Briana shouted.

She was next to the lifeless Scrion.

We all gathered around the Scrion.

" Look at this." Briana said as she pointed to the neck of the Scrion.

There was a number in graved on its fur.



They planted the damn Scrion! They basically tried to murder us!

" Those Shitheads. They purposely released the Scrion here!" Martin shouted.

" Calm down Martin. Remember this is still a test. This is Scrion must be apart of it." Zenya said.

" Zenya right. These is just the beginning. We still have 6 more days to go." Bianca said.

6 more days in this hell.

Well at least I'm not alone.

After a few hours more of walking, we finally found the campsite.

" Finally! If we had to walk one more meter I would have killed myself." Martin said in relief.

There were 7 groups in total. There were only two groups at the campsite ,both made up of monsters.

Gosh I wondered if any human survived?


It already seven now. The first day is going to end.

So far there are only 5 groups here.

I assume the other two is dead.

The surprising fact is that there is a human alive.

We had just finished dinner.

"Wow, that was a good dinner." Martin said.

" Cut the crap Martin. The food tasted like shit." Zenya replied.

The food tasted like cardboard.

~In the Tent~

" We have to start to hunt for demons. We need to leave the camp by 7am tomorrow." Briana said.

We all agreed.

"Goodnight!" Bianca shouted.

" Goodnight." The rest of us replied.

I guess having friends feels nice.

Maybe I  should wake up at 5am, to start practicing using my magic.

I stared at the top of the tent, counting sheep before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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