Chapter 2

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The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activities.

I look at my alarm clock. 

It is 9.00 am.

I have an hour to get ready, eat and get my ass over there.

By the time I finished getting ready and eating  it was 9.30am.

I gave my mother one final hug before leaving in a cab.

I could still remember her face when I left.

It was screaming please change your mind and come back.

I'm sorry mom but I'm afraid that won't happen.

I won't quit my dream.

I could see hundreds of cadets ,humans and monster ,waiting outside.

There was also a booth near the crowd.

Meh. Must be some store trying to promote their products.

I looked at my phone to check the time.

9.59 a.m. , A minute left.

I rushed towards the entrance just on time to see a man and woman walking from the inside of the HQ to the outside.

"  I am Mr Quinn, head of the hunter and healer HQ in District 15. Welcome cadets to the annual Hunter's Entrance Exam! I am glad to see more cadets this year!" the Mr Quinn exclaimed.

From his furry hands and claws, I'm pretty sure he's a werewolf.

"This year we have 300 cadets, 200 of you being monsters and the other 100 is human. Unfortunately, only half of you will survive, and if you are wondering, those who don't survive will most probably die. If you have any second thoughts ,please go to the booth on my right to inform us." The lady informed.

So that's what the booth was for.

In a matter of seconds, about 50 cadets were already queueing at the booth.

250 cadets left.

All of them were humans.

Not surprised. 

I guess this just improve my chance of survival.

The surviving rate for humans is much lower than monsters.

The rest of us went inside of the HQ.

All of us were splint into two group, A and B.

I was in B with all the other humans.

Since there were only 50 humans the other 75 was monsters.

I could see fear in the other human eyes.

I guess being in the same group with monster is somewhat terrifying for them.

" The exam will take place outside District 15, in the forbidden zone." 

Everyone went silent, shocked of what Mr Quinn was saying.

" It would be a test which will be conducted over a span of 7 days. If you are alive after that, you will be a hunter but don't be complacent. The outside is fill with many demons and devils, ready to eat and kill you." He continued.

Mutters filled the room.

" I can't believe they are making us go to the Forbidden zone, couldn't they just conduct it here."  I whispered to myself.

"I guess that how they check if you are fit enough to be a hunter." An unfamiliar voice said.

I looked to my right seeing two identical female monsters coming towards me.

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