Attempted Ambush

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The day was indeed a hectic one, with things being wrapped around both Addya and Vyan's heads..

Sunita called it a night , rather dawn. Mrs Sharma was to be brought a day after to be admitted. A few hours of rest was indeed a dire need for all...

The next morning was a calm one for nature as well as for Addya as she lazily lay off in her bed reminiscing the old memories of her early days...her mother's wet hairs doodling on her tiny arms legs and face as she played with her mother, the mumerous times she had strolled along her mother to the nearby primary school where her mother worked, her first day at school, her fight against financial resiliance, her friendship with Sanjana, her dearest Sanj.. the strain that had occured during the incident.... her meeting with Tara... the one daffodil in her life, filling her life with happiness and joy...ahhh how afraid Tara was to reveal her relationship with Hrithik...Hrithik was an orphan, who struggled to survive on his own feet, and went on to become a researcher, standing firm on his grounds of a philanthropist ....

Smashhhh!!! There was a sound of shattering of window pane... in the ground floor.... what could it be?.. Addya was about to go downstairs thinking it was just a ball thrown by a random a kid... when she heard footsteps downstairs...She quickly locked the entrance to the first floor...and looked through her intercom .. The intruder was frantically searching the ground floor...Addya couldn't understand what he was looking for...A tattoo suddenly caughther attention... the eagle...
He was.. here... was.. to.. kill.. her...Addya cooled her mind.. knowing that the lock to the first floor wasn't easy to crack even with guns... She quickly dialed 100 and whispered the prime details ...

10 mins felt like an eternity... the intruder still was searching the ground floor.... as he moved up the stairs... Addya began to palpitate..suddenly the main door burst open.. The intruder was caught by surprise ....he pushed one of the constables... who tried to catch him... the constable hit his head on the table.. the intruder rushed towards the broken window but suddenly had his hand caught by Addya...he was wearing gloves.. yet Addya felt his hands were too cold....He pushed Addya with all his might. The women constables quickly caught hold of Addya before she could fall. A few policemen ran behind him...
Addya was disdained by the sudden turn of events...

The policemen left soon after,asking her to lodge an FIR..Addya slumped her shoulders on the sofa, starring at the window pane... She would be shifting in a few days... hence had already changed her official address to her new could they even know she was here... the eagle sign hadn't missed her eyes....they had come for her...Were they following her? Could there be a tracker or camera in her house?There was a sudden surge of adrenaline through her veins.

She quickly dialed a number."Hello, Hrith," " Abey yaar, when did you become so formal," Hrithik laughed on her face..."Areey, I need to move into the new house today itself," "Woaw ,what's the hurry,already wanna flex your first own house,?" Addya could literally feel him grinning with his infamous smirk..." Ummmm.. let's meet at my hospital's cafeteria today, more when we meet," Cutting the call, Addya moved back to her own trail of thoughts....She couldn't think of a safer place than her hospital, but was she putting the lives of others at the hospital at risk? But the possiblity of attack on the same person on the same day was to be ruled out, wasn't it? However, one thing that was made clear was, Tara's accident , Abhaya case, and her intruder all were connected, ... wait a minute... the Abhaya case was opened yesterday, and here was the attempted ambushing today.. is there a link... but how could they possibily know, even if they could track Addya, it wasn't easy to track the police cases, they couldn't possibly know that case had been reopened that too with a few hours...

She quickly put on a casual shirt and jeans, grabbed her car keys and once again, the car engine revved into life ....

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