Addya Malhotra

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The teachers doted upon her, juniors looked up to her , yet there was a certain pang in her heart...
All she wanted was to look past the topper she was. She wanted to sleep a sound sleep.. yet all she got was her petrified screams of her mother in the next room.

12 years later...
The metallic instrument hanging over her shoulders, Dr. Addya Malhotra stood still at her office window, looking down at the hustling city . Mumbai sunsets indeed hit different. There was a knocking on the door. "Come in" The doors knob turned and entered a nurse in her late fifties . "Yes, Mrs Sanon." " Maam, Head Sir has summoned you in his cabin. "
Engraved in gold letters, the words ," Dr. Shivam Kapoor" stood out from the wooden doors . Entering into the cabin , a man in his early sixties, stood strong ,his aura personifying his illustrious career . Treading on his footsteps was Dr Addya Malhotra, one of the world's leading cardiac surgeons.
" Dr Addya, I want you to lead a case of utmost importance, the details must be in absolute secrecy as has been notified by the patient party. I would be briefing you the details soon. For now, I would request your graceful presence at dinner tonight, Expecting you at the Home by 9 tonight"
Fixing her specs over her nose, Addya implied, "I would be highly obliged, Sir. Also I would be requiring your approval to move back to the USA branch of the hospital by the next six months."

"Yeah, I will hand over that tonight," Mr Kapoor reassured.

Nodding her head, Addya moved out of the cabin and gathered her belongings. A few clicking of the heels and the Audi raced onto the streets of Mumbai.

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