Chapter 3- A roll with twists.

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Morning arose and everyone woke up naturally.. besides Theo.

Richie stands up and shakes Theo. "Wakey!!! We gotta go get ready for the day!!!"

Theo groans. "Five more minutes mom...-"
Theo sits up immediately and starts panting.
"Oh- I-"

"Good morning sleepyhead... you fell asleep the moment your head hit the pillow!" Richie smiles cheerfully.

A scientist walks into the bedroom as everyone is sitting up or gathering stuff.

"Richie. You need to come with me." The scientist says with a clipboard in his hands as he looks at it.

Theo looks worried. "Is this often?"

"No!" Richie smiles. "This isnt usual, maybe its a checkup incase we've developed anything-"

"Hurry it up." Said the scientist.

Richie hugs Theo.
"Ill be back!"

Richie waves goodbye to everyone else, implying that he will return shortly.

The scientist leaves with Richie.

Theo sighs.
He lays back down and closes his eyes.

"Wake up!! You cant sleep!!" Daniel yells from across the room.

"mgghhh... i want sleep!" Theo pouts.

"I wish we could all sleep whenever..." Rebecca comments.


"So what are we doing? Mr scientist?" Richie asks as he has a bright smile on his face.

They go somewhere Richie has never seen before. A lab.

"Well.. we wanna make a few changes to you." The guy replies as he flips through some charts.

They get to this one area in the lab, theres a bed, a lot of tools, and other scary stuff.

Richie starts to get a little anxious.

"Have a seat." The scientist says as he takes a seat himself.

"You are a very outgoing person for your age... what are you- like 9? Whatever. You would make a great leader. We want to try to make some new mascots for playtime co."
The scientist puts his glasses on as he looks through some more papers on his clipboard.

"You know we only have atleast 4 right now."
The scientist continues.

"What does that have to do with me?" Richie tilts his head like a dog.

"Hmm.. perfect." The scientist mumbles, he goes to a blank piece of paperword and starts writing down some notes.

"Well... I cant explain it... We want to run an experiment on you so we can create a new group of mascots." The scientist tries to keep the plan kid friendly.

"Oh.. cool!!! Im gonna be a leader mascot!!!" Richie seems happy.

"I have some questions before we can continue though." The science implies as he finishes writing down some notes.

"Go ahead...?" Richie is confused.

"If we place you in a new environment, would you be good with children?" The man asks.

"Im a child myself.. I suppose?" The boy replies curiously.

"If you were to see new people, would that change how you act to your current peers?"

"I dunno what peers means... if you mean my friends- I wouldnt change at all!" Richie smiles.

"Good good.." The scientist takes notes.

Smiling critters- "Starting to go beyond." (Fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now