Chapter 9- Clothes?

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(I made a big mistake.)

Kickin was on the ground hurled up.

The other 5 Critters just stood there confused.

Catnap and Dogday also confused.

"Kickin what did you see?" Asked Hoppy, she had on a tank top and shorts.

"Since when did we have clothes???" Dogday sounded disappointed.

"Oh.. I kind of was looking in my room for something and decided to check my closet- and there awaits lovely clothes!" Hoppy strikes a swaggy pose.

"Im gonna go look then!" Dogday starts wagging his tail- about to go.

Suddenly Craftycorn appeared infront of the door, not letting the dog back inside his house.

"You two aren't going anywhere until we figure out what made Kickin... I dont know... scared?" Craftycorn loses track.

"Ohhhh.. right!" Dogday faces Kicken who is still on the ground.

Catnap just silently observes, as he stands next to Dogday.

Kickin doesn't answer or counter any words.

"Cmon chicky... couldn't have been that bad." Catnap sighed in annoyance.

Kickin looks up and sits up.
"You're right." He speaks.

"But don't explain what you saw to the others... I will have you asleep in no time." The cat smiles.

"Yeahhh right." The chicken rolls his eyes.

"So hoppy is the only one wearing clothes?" Asks Picky.

"Pretty much... I made a discovery and didn't really share it." Hoppy spins around.

Craftycorn walks away from the door, walking back over to the group that was formed around Kickin.

"Are we gonna talk about what Kickin saw?..." Asks craftycorn.

"A dead body!!" Kickin jokes.

"Cmon!!! Thats ever worse that what you ACTUALLY saw!!!" Catnap hisses.

Dogday himself didn't even understand.

"Lets just say THEM TWO WEIRDOS WERE CUDDLING ON THE COUCH!!!" Kickin looks at Catnap with the most angriest face ever.

"Go on and tell the whole world I guess..." Catnap rolls his eyes.

Dogday slowly sneaks into his house- morely wanting to find clothes than to be away from being caught.

Everyone was lowkey shocked.

"What??? We cuddle like all the time there's nothing wrong with it." Catnap tilts his head at everyone else's reaction while Kickin had this devious smirk.

"Well yeah... a lot... but usually when no one was around we didn't know it was regular for you two to be cuddling!" Bobby snarls.

"Oh thats right... yeah well now you all know." Catnap rolls his eyes some more.

"Is that even okay?" Asks Bubba.

"I mean I have no clue we just do it." Catnap sways his body, bored.

Craftycorn looks over at Bubba with a concerned look.

"Thats not what I was asking... yes we can do that stuff- just how does Dogday give in?" Bubba sees Crafty's glare.

Catnap notices Dogday wasn't by his side.

"Well im pretty sure I can ask you the same with Crafty!!" Catnap says, adding the clues of them looking at each other.

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