Chapter 5- One follows, Two die in the shallow.

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As Theo stayed hidden, he heard the nurses and scientists talking.

"I think we are set for the experiment." Says one.
"Ive got it mapped out."
"We are going to take him and turn him into what he enjoys."
"He likes dogs a lot, and outdoors. He is a very friendly person and would make a great leader as a mascot. We want to make more mascots for playtime go. Especially ones good with children and very interactive. And we dont just want one. We want atleast 8."
"If this experiment goes well, we will pick 7 lucky kids to fill in the rest of our mascots."

"We haven't came up with a name."
"We are thinking DogDay."
"He likes dogs and outdoors, and sunny day.. for the sun."

The scientist goes on as he flips pages.

"I have a blueprint of what he could look like."

"Thats really impressive Dr. Ulich!" A female scientist says.

"Thank you..." presumably 'Dr. Ulich' replies.

"We are gonna try to kill him slowly..."

'WHAT??? KILL RICHIE!?? SLOWLY???' Theo hears the words as his blood boils.

He gets out of the cabinet he's in and goes into the lab, running to where Richie sleeps.

"Richie wake up!!" He whispers as he shakes his friend awake.

"hmm...?" Richie opens his eyes slowly.

"They are gonna kill you!! We need to get out of here!!!" Theodore panicks.

He picks up Richie, running out the lab.

He turns a random corner.

"What are you talking about Theo???" Richie is confused.

"CODE RED WE HAVE A RUNNER!" A nurse shouts.

Theo runs and slips on something.

He falls over, letting go of Richie.

They both crash into the ground onto each other.

"No time to play Richie we need to RUN!" Theo panicks.
"The prototype is gonna save us!! We just-"

There are nurses and scientists heading there way as an alarm blares.

"THERES TWO OF THEM???" One shouts.

Theo gets up and grabs Richie yet again.
Dragging him as they both run.

"They were planning on killing you Richie!!! I heard them!!! We gotta go to the prototype he is gonna save us!!! Promise me!!!"
Theo has tears running down his face as he and Richie still run.

They run another corner going somewhere more dark.

"Ulich you let another kid who isnt gonna be tested on yet come with you and Richie and then he overhears what we talk about and cause this chaos?!"

"I didnt let this kid come!!! He must have followed I swear i never saw him!!! I would have mentioned it if I did!!!"

Theo and Richie are still running from the scientists and nurses.

Theo slips on water.

They both go crashing as Theo was dragging Richie.

The scientists catch up but the nurses stay behind.

One of the nurses jumps on Theo.

Sticking a syringe into him injecting him with something.

"AHHHHH!!!!" Theodore cries.

Richie watches in pain, later then getting the same injection.

"Why are you doing this?!" Theo weakly stands up and walks to the more familiar scientist.

Theo punches the scientist in the stomach.

"Ack!!" The scientist wasn't expecting that and grunts in pain.

The other scientist grab Theodore and hold him like hes about to go in prison.

He moves around and struggling.

Richie crawls over and tugs at the scientists legs that have Theodore.

One of the scientists turns around and kicks Richie back.

"Ahh!!" Richie cries.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO RICHIE??? WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL HIM??? HE IS MY BEST FRIEND WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" Theo snarls as he gets more aggressive. The scientists cant bear it and let go.

Theo falls to the ground.

He looks at the scientist who kicked Richie and jumps on them. He starts biting at their face and scratching their neck like a maniac.

"AHHH GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU DEMON!!!" The science falls back on the ground.
Unable to get Theo off.

Ulich who was no longer in pain goes for theodore as the third scientist makes his way to Richie.

Richie backs up slowly.

Richie looks around and sees a glass bottle on the shelf and throws it at the scientist coming his way.

"OW FUCK!!!"
The scientist screams as the bottle breaks as it hits his face, small pieces of glass cutting his face.

The scientist falls back too.

Ulich got Theodore off and threw him at the wall.

"MHHHGGG!!!" Theo cries in pain.

The scientist Theodore attacked was bleeding badly too.

Two scientists down, one to go.

Ulich picks Theodore by the neck and pulls out a knife.

Richie looks up in fear.

He jumps up and tackles Ulich.

Ulich drops Theodore and the knife.

Theodore hits the ground yet again.

Richie grabs the knife and slashes at Ulich.

"FUCK!!!" Ulich screams in pain.

Richie scrambles over to Theodore and holds him.

"Are you okay Theodore?!" Richie has tears streaming down his face, covered in a little blood.

"I just wanted to save you Richie!!" Theo cries in pain, holding onto his friend tightly.

The two hold onto eachother as they sob together.

Ulich sees this as an opportunity and grabs a sphere hanging up.

He sneaks behind the two hugging.

They are crying and in too much pain to realize whats gonna happen next.

"Richie you mean everything to me." Theo sobs even more.

All Richie can do is comfort Theo.



Ulich takes that sphere and impales the two together.

Going from Richies back all the way out Theodores back.

Directly in the heart too.

They turn shocked... stop breathing. Then go lifeless.

Ulich removes the sphere and picks up the two now dead kids.

"They are like opposites... I have an idea for them now."

"You guys go get the nurse and get cleaned up and ill deal with these dead ones."
Ulich says as he leaves the two other scientists behind.

Two lifeless kids, best friends but only known eachother for 3 days. Being carried.

Oh how the tables have turned.

Smiling critters- "Starting to go beyond." (Fanfic!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें