18. Dessert 🍋

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18. Dessert
[Finger Fucking, NSFW]

Gojo's POV:

The car ride back to Jujutsu Tech was heavily silent. Satoru wanted to talk to Y/N but didn't know how. He knew she was upset and couldn't help but wonder what the conversation between her and Megumi's father implied.

'I'll ask her later.'

As they sat at a stoplight, he peered over at her as she looked out the window, the red illumination penetrating the windshield made her dress radiate. After hesitating about 3 different times, Satoru reached out and placed his hand on top of hers, causing her to turn and face him.  At that moment, he decided to take his glasses off so he could be fully captivated by her beauty.

"Hey," he whispered, lacing his fingers into hers. Y/N did her best to hide her saddened eyes with a dark, toughened expression, but he could see right through it.  He decided not to even bring Toji up.

'Always wanting to act so tough.'

 "Thank you for coming out tonight, you truly look stunning." 

Satoru watched as a small smile played on her face. "No, thank you for inviting me. And for adorning me with such beautiful jewelry." She raised her hand that was being held, to watch the diamond shimmer once more.

Once they reached the parking lot, Satoru realized he hadn't let go of her hand for the rest of the ride home and he didn't want to. For the millionth time, his eyes attached to Y/N like magnets,  mixed emotions of confusion and yearning swirled in the pit of his stomach as he tried to figure out how to keep spending time with her.

Before time could pass further, he eventually cleared his throat. "May I walk you to your door?"

Y/N nodded and they exited the car. Once they were exposed to the night air, Satoru noticed goosebumps sprinkled across Y/N's exposed skin.

"Here, take this." Satoru took his jacket off and draped it over her shoulders. 

Finally reaching her door, she turned to look up at him. All Satoru could do was stare at Y/N as a sliver of moonlight slit across her face, causing her lipgloss to shimmer. Satoru took a step closer to her to where their chests touched as he slowly reached for his jacket back. Although he didn't really want it back, it was just to get his arms around her.

"Satoru," Y/N breathed. Her eyes raked over his face with a lustful expression. "I don't want to be alone tonight."


"And I'm really really frustrated right now..." a hint of desperation cut through her words as her voice cracked.

"Then take it out on me."


Your POV:

You waited until Satoru closed the door behind you two... watching him ever so slowly turn the lock.

Slow. Painfully slow.

In those unhurried moments, you rethought your decision to let him in your room. All the thoughts of your irritable past with the white-haired man began to creep into your thoughts. That was - until he turned around. Standing there, you watched him face you with a new expression overtaking his eyes. A look of... endearment, causing them to darken into an almost ocean blue.

He stepped toward you once more. His warm fingers gently touched your neck, making you shiver from the difference between the cold air you felt before. He slithered his hand to the nape as he towered over you. Even with you in heels, he was tall. 

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