12. Get Back Right

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12. Get Back Right

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is kind of long. The plot build is getting there. Who will Y/N end up getting with first? Suguru? Nanami? MAKI???? Don't knowwww

The next day brought awkwardness between you and Nanami. As the two of you sat in the back of Ijichi's car on the way to the mission, his eyes seemed to go everywhere except you. The mission was completed with a very little exchange of words as well. It was so quiet that when Nanami finally decided to break the silence; you jumped.

"You're awfully quiet today, Y/N-chan..." he said frankly, pushing his small oval glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Yea..." you hesitated before calculating your words carefully. "I honestly didn't know if you were mad about the whole Gojo thing from yesterday."

Your words were immediately followed by a snort of disbelief. "Y/N-chan, really? Why would you ever think I'd be jealous or upset over anything that imbecile has to say?"

This caused a smile to form abruptly onto your face. You don't know why you got so caught up in your head about it. It was Nanami after all. "I'm sorry, I was just overthinking," you admitted. "I would never want to put you in any type of position that you're not comfortable with, especially with that self-centered fuckhead."

Nanami laughed softly and reached out placing a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N-chan... if anything he's jealous. I'm the one who spends almost every day with you - and I know he can't stand it."

His hand on your shoulder surprised you he wasn't a physical touch type of person. But the warmth of his palm and words combined left you feeling confused.

'What does he mean can't stand it? Does he know something about Satoru that I don't?'

You decided to let it go and redirect the conversation to where the two of you would eat lunch. Nanami decided on a local gyoza spot neither of you had tried. The two of you ate and laughed per usual. He was beginning to tell you more stories about his past too. They were never in-depth stories, but enough to gather what he was like as a young sorcerer.

"You said your hair was what?" you giggled before taking a sip of water.

"Yeah, it was... flopped over and parted to one side of my face. I would usually tuck it behind my ear-"

You couldn't help but bust out laughing. You found his style to be peculiar, but his hair seemed to be the only thing that was truly styled. Again, the cheetah tie and blue shirt were just not it to you.

"I'm already knowin' you ain't get no type of bitches" you said in between laughs and gasps of air. Nanami then frowned confusedly.

"Why would I want to 'get bitches'?" he asked doing air quotations. In reality, Nanami never pursued a love life. The platonic friendship he had with you was as close as he had gotten in a while and a secret part of him was wanting to see where things were going to go. "I don't have-" Nanami's sentence was cut off by his phone ringing.

He frowned. "It's Ijichi. I'm going to step out and take this real quick." You nodded and watched the blonde-haired man dismiss himself. You quickly began devouring your food, not worrying about being polite about it anymore now that he was gone. Scrolling through your phone aimlessly, you didn't care that the gyoza juices were all over your lips.

Suddenly, the chair legs across from you skirted from who you thought was going to be Nanami.


"Damn, is it good?" Suguru asked humorously as he sat down.

You almost choked before finishing the bite in your mouth. Your eyes darted around looking for a napkin, but they were all used and crumpled from you being messy. Suguru rolled his eyes and got up to go get you a napkin. Once he returned, you quickly snatched the thin cloth and wiped your mouth in embarrassment.

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