17. Dinner and...

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17. Dinner and... 

Satoru iMessage

Hello love, dinner is at Hakushu tonight at 8 p.m. 


Would you prefer me to call you something else?

Yeah... how about L/N F/N.

How about no.

I'll pick you up at 7:45. See you then, gorgeous ;)


You gently pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance and closed your eyes. 

'What am I gonna do with him?'  you thought exasperatedly.  

You placed your phone down on your nightstand and stared at your closet. Hakushu was a nice ass steakhouse, so formal attire was the only choice. For some reason, the color red had been speaking to you lately. And you knew exactly which gown would fit your craving. 

Two hours later, you were finally ready. 

"I've done it yet again," you said admiring yourself in the mirror. You had just taken the tags off of the dress and it didn't disappoint, to say the least. The deep red dress dropped down right below your ankle bone. It was tight-fitting around your torso with a ribbon of silk around the top that hung off of your shoulders.  As you doused yourself in expensive perfume, your phone pinged. 

Satoru iMessage


His message caused you to remember the bracelet he had just bought you. You stood over the sink, contemplating whether to wear it or not. You had spent the past two hours glancing over at the gray box, trying to figure out why Satoru gifted you jewelry in the first place. Sure the two of you had gotten closer, but it wasn't like... 

The more you overthought, the more the butterflies in your stomach made themselves apparent since he had texted you. 

'Why am I feeling this way? Am I really that nervous?'

You shook your head and continued admiring yourself in the mirror. 

'Nah, if anything he should be nervous'  you smiled to yourself. Suddenly, the door knocked causing you to practically jump out of your skin.

Okay, maybe you were nervous. 

'He's here already?'


Gojo's POV:

When Satoru texted Y/N that he was on the way, he was already outside of her room. He wanted to see her so badly. He knew how well she could dress and adored how much effort she put into her style. Nobody at Jujutsu Tech did that except him. 

Despite his eagerness, he was nervous. His palms had been sweating since he sent that text and he counted to 300 which equated to 5 minutes before he knocked on her door. 

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