06. The Special Grade Test Pt.2

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Chapter 6: Special Grade Test Pt.2

Y/N realized why Suguru showed up... he was providing the curses for the strength test. Of course, he wanted to play in her face right before instead of telling her that.

As you stood out in the open field, frozen sleet began to pelt your face. You had dressed for combat, not for warmth.

'Fuckkkkk. Lock in. Lock in. LOCK IN Y/N!'

 At this juncture, you were internally screaming at yourself. Your head spun left and right, looking for the first curse that needed to be exorcised. Your eyes fell on Geto, he had one hand out in front of him with his palm up, raising it to the sleeted sky. Simultaneously, a mummified curse ruptured out of the cold earth, screeching bloody murder. A Grade 2 curse, easy.

Y/N swiftly charged it, quickly getting behind it. Jumping 5 feet in the air onto its shoulders piggyback style, you put her hands on either side of its head and snapped it, fully decapitating the gray curse. Fluidly, you backflipped off its shoulders and the body fell to the ground, still holding the head. You ferociously glared at the five men staring at you, some in awe, some with blank faces. You were going to make your fucking statement. Satoru was not compared to you for no reason and any curse Suguru threw at you, would be made to look like a fucking joke.

Y/N tossed the corpse's head toward Suguru.

"Do better. That shit was weak." You turned toward Satoru and pointed at the head, "You're next."

Suguru growled and sent 3 more curses your way. You exorcised them with quickness. The strength test concluded in less than 10 minutes, one of the fastest records in Jujutsu Tech history. The strategy test followed and you flew through that as well, your Zenin senses were buzzing through your body more than ever.

'They wanted a show? They wanted to send five men out to watch me? Bet.'

You did not feel a lick of fatigue from earlier, nor did you remember why you were so twisted in knots over that monkey. The audacity. The actual audacity. You were ready to channel it into the final round.

'I'm gonna make a fucking spectacle out of you, Satoru Gojo.'

The parameters were set by Yaga. The first 10 minutes of the battle would be physical sparring. The second allowed for domain expansion. Both beings stood in the field. The sleet had stopped as if nature knew that no type of inclement weather was going to refrain from the power that was about to erupt.

"Ready?" said your blue-eyed enemy.

"Shut the fuck up." you snarled and rushed him using your teleportation. Satoru anticipated it though, veering his body to the left while sticking out his right foot, causing you to trip. You stumbled downward, your index and middle finger briefly kissing the ground. Your Zenin strength pounded through your veins as you put all your weight on those two fingers, launching your two feet off the ground. Both feet powerfully connected with Satoru's jaw and he fell flat on his back.

Y/N towered over him as he just lay there... peering up with a goofy grin. It seemed as if he was getting intoxicated from the mere thought of fighting you.

"I kinda like you from this angle, Y/N. That outfit is super flattering on you," he said with a giggle.

That immediately caused you to lunge at his pale throat. As soon as she made that decision, he was already behind her. Quickness was the only small advantage he had over her, but that was part of her plan. An extra half a second was all she needed and she wanted him back up so she could knock him on his ass again. Making an example out of him was all she wanted to do.

Another attack from you was about to impart onto Satoru until you noticed a slight transparent veil around him. The sun began peaking through the pencil-gray clouds so you could see the wavelengths of infrared light surrounding him with your Zenin senses.

That little shit turned on his infinity.

He knew it wouldn't do him any good. Y/N had one of those Heavenly Pacts, allowing her to make contact regardless of his infinity being up or not. The two of you continued to spar evenly, landing significant hits on each other.

You felt as if you were wasting time. Your mind raced as you tried to formulate a plan to throw him off. Time was running out, and you still wanted to send your message loud and clear.

I got it.

"Hey Satoru," you whimpered, trying to sound as submissive and whiny as possible. You took a small step back, causing him to look at you bewildered, through his perfect white hair tinged with sweat. He was panting profusely from fighting, and so were you. You peered at him for a brief second, noticing you left a decent-sized mark on his pale cheek.


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"Give me a second, I'm hot..." you quickly took your thin jacket off, revealing your sports bra. Sweat dripped down your breast and your chest slightly heaved, flushed from sweating in the cold.

'By any means necessary.'

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Nanami called out concernedly.

Gojo was so enamored by Y/N's show of skin that when Nanami spoke, he briefly snapped his head toward the straw blonde man, to scold him for breaking his trance. Half a second was all Y/N needed...


You teleported directly above Satoru's shoulders like when you were above the mummified curse from earlier. You slammed your ass down onto the nape of his neck, using your weight to throw off his balance as you sat on top of his shoulders. He stumbled backward as you put your sweater over his cerulean-colored eyes. Wrapping it around his head with lightning speed, you started experiencing the same intoxicated feeling Satoru had earlier. You grabbed the sleeves of your sweater, the body of it wrapped around his dome, muffling his utterly confused protests. You then yanked the sleeves as if you were spinning a toy top.


Satoru's neck creaked loudly, and he fell to the ground.  

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