13. Birthday Cake (Hbd Yuji) 🍋

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13. Birthday Cake

A/N - Huge disclaimer, Yuji is turning 20 years old in this - the legal drinking age in Japan. Megumi is also 20 in this.

[TW: alcohol, kissing, slight NSFW]

One shot had you feeling good. You craved more. Treating it like a "happy hour" was becoming further out of the picture as you, Maki and Nobara received lustful gazes as soon as you stepped out of the Uber. The spot for Yuji's birthday was a lounge/club place and of course, all of you were walking in with status.

A Satoru Gojo status, that is. 

He had bought a VIP section in the lounge area that was right by the bar and parallel with the dance floor. As you walked in blue and purple strobe lights criss-crossed on dancing bodies grinded together on the dance floor, wreaking of perfume, sweat and alcohol.

'Never been here before, but definitely a club vibe.'

As the three of you approached the table, you led the pack. Dark feminine dominance pouring out with each stride of your boots. You didn't even care about Yuji at this point, you wanted to down more shots and get on the dance floor. And the DJ was playin' that good shit.

Approaching the table was a lot less calm than you thought. Two half-empty bottles of tequila sat on the table along with Satoru, Yuji, Megumi, and...


The men immediately stopped their yapping when they saw your group. Yuji's jaw dropped open as he raked his eyes over you in astonishment. You knew he couldn't help it, you looked like a Greek god and did it purposefully.

"Gojo-sensei ... that's her?" Yuji asked loudly, slapping Satoru on his arm.

Satoru didn't even respond, his eyes drilled into you through his sunglasses. He wore a light blue button-down shirt that was long-sleeved. However, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he had the first three buttons open.


"Yes, it's me," you said with a devious smile, "I'm L/N, F/N. You're Yuji, yeah? Can I call you that?" you stuck your hand out to shake Yuji's.

He grabbed your hand with both of his, looking completely starstruck. "You can call me whatever you want ma'am," he bowed his head into your hand causing you to slowly chuckle and awkwardly pull it away.

You forgot that you had similar recognition in the jujutsu world as Satoru. You hadn't really interacted with many people outside of Nanami since upgrading to a special-grade sorcerer, but Yuji worshipping you was a pleasant reminder.

Nobara was the one to break Yuji out of his trance, slapping him on the back and wishing him a happy birthday. As Maki joined in, they began a separate conversation, allowing you to figure out where you were going to settle in the booth. You wanted to be as far away from Satoru and Suguru as possible.

'I can't believe Nanami didn't come with me... wait - yes I can.'

You just wished he was there. You refused to make eye contact with the yin-yang pair, not caring what they thought, said or what their facial expressions were. Before you could express your carelessness, Nobara was already pouring shots for the whole table as a toast.

After your third shot of the night, the bottles were finished. Feeling good was an understatement - you felt loose. You took the opportunity to drag Maki and Nobara onto the dance floor, also forcing Yuji to come along since he was the birthday boy after all. As the three of you girls started dancing sexily amongst each other, Yuji just stood there looking lost.

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