Revelations and Concerns

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A week had passed since Barry and Frost's date. The morning unfolded quietly as Frost and Barry shared breakfast together. Barry prepared the eggs while Frost began feeling increasingly nauseous from the smell of the food. Suddenly, Frost got up hurriedly and rushed to the bathroom, with Barry following her, concerned.

Barry: (worried) Frost, are you okay?

Frost: (trying to hide her discomfort) It's just a passing nausea, Barry. Don't worry.

Barry: (insistent) You should go see Caitlin. It might be more than just a simple discomfort.

Frost, trying to calm Barry's concerns, finally agreed to go see Caitlin. After sorting out the issue, Barry went to CCPD, and Frost headed to STAR Labs to see Caitlin.

Frost: (entering the medical lab) Hi, Caitlin.

Caitlin: (detecting concern in Frost's voice) Hello, Frost. What brings you here?

Frost: Barry noticed I've been vomiting a lot lately, so I thought it'd be best to get a medical check-up.

Caitlin, with a serious expression, proceeded to examine Frost and perform an ultrasound.

Caitlin: (while performing the ultrasound) Frost, I need you to relax. I'm looking for something important.

Frost: What are you looking for exactly, Caitlin?

Caitlin: The cause of your nausea. And it seems I've found something.

When Caitlin showed the ultrasound screen to Frost, she was left speechless seeing the tiny form on the screen.

Frost: Is that... a baby?

Caitlin: Yes, Frost. You're pregnant.

The news left Frost stunned, her mind struggling to process the revelation.

Frost: (overwhelmed) Pregnant? But... how...?

Caitlin: It seems your discomfort wasn't just a simple ailment. You were experiencing pregnancy symptoms.

After a brief conversation about her feelings and concerns, Frost bid farewell to Caitlin and headed to the break room at STAR Labs, where she was lost in her thoughts when Joe arrived with troubling news.

Joe: Frost, we need to talk.

Frost: What's wrong, Joe?

Joe: Kristen Kramer is determined to catch you for your crimes as Killer Frost. We need to be prepared for anything.

Joe's words echoed in Frost's mind, adding a new layer of worry to her already overwhelmed thoughts. After their conversation, Frost decided to go talk to Barry.

When she arrived at Barry's apartment, Frost felt nervous but determined to share the news with her boyfriend. After a brief chat, Frost finally gathered the courage to share the news.

Frost: Barry, I need to tell you something very important.

Barry: (concerned) What's going on, Frost? You're acting strange.

Frost: (taking a deep breath) The first news is that Kristen Kramer is after me. And the second is that I'm pregnant.

Barry's face reflected surprise and disbelief as he processed Frost's revelations. Uncertainty loomed over them as they faced a future full of challenges and difficult decisions. Suspense filled the room as they awaited Barry's reaction, wondering what destiny had in store for them.

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