Decisions and Union

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The atmosphere in Barry  Frost's apartment remained charged with emotions after the shocking revelations from the previous chapter. Barry, still processing Frost's pregnancy news, decided to address an important issue that had been weighing on his mind.

Barry: Frost, how many weeks pregnant are you?

Frost: (with a nervous smile) Just one week. It's very early, Barry.

Barry: (excitedly) One week! That means this little speedster is on the way. I'm thrilled to be a dad!

Frost observed the excitement in Barry's eyes and couldn't help but feel a wave of love and happiness, although her own fears still lingered.

Frost: Barry, I know you're excited, but I'm also scared. Being a mother is a big challenge, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it.

Barry: (approaching Frost tenderly) Frost, I understand your fears, but you're not alone in this. I'm here for you, and together we can overcome any challenge that comes our way.

The conversation continued as Frost shared her concerns and Barry reassured her with words of encouragement and support. As they discussed their future as parents, the question also arose of whether they should share the news with the team.

Barry: Frost, do you think we should tell the team about the baby?

Frost: I don't know, Barry. I'm worried about how they might react and if they could be in danger if Kristen Kramer decides to act.

Barry: That's understandable, but they're also our family, Frost. Maybe we should consider it.

After a lengthy discussion, Barry and Frost decided to postpone the decision to tell the team about the pregnancy until they had a clearer idea of how to handle Kristen Kramer's threat.

The next day, Barry called the entire STAR Labs team for an urgent meeting. With expectant faces, Cisco, Chester, Allegra, Iris, Joe, Cecile, and Caitlin gathered in the lab, ready to hear Barry's news.

Barry: (seriously) Guys, there's something important we need to discuss. Frost and I...

Caitlin: (interrupting) You're pregnant, aren't you?

Surprised and excited looks turned towards Frost, who nodded with a nervous smile. Barry continued to explain the situation with Kristen Kramer and how they planned to face the threat.

Barry: I've also heard some things at CCPD that confirm our suspicions about Kramer. She's determined to catch Frost, but we won't let that happen.

The team nodded solemnly, ready to support Frost and Barry in whatever challenges they faced. Together, they were determined to protect their family and ensure that nothing threatened the safety of their future child.

Caitlin: (with an excited smile) Congratulations, Frost, Barry! I'm thrilled to be an aunt.

Cisco: Amazing, guys! This is an exciting new chapter for the STAR Labs family.

Congratulations and expressions of support filled the room as the team celebrated Frost's pregnancy news. Although the future presented challenges, they knew they would face each obstacle together, like a true family.

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