Between Strategies and Passions

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Barry, realizing the woman in his arms was Nora, the Speed Force, noticed her weakness and agitation. After Caitlin stabilized her, they brought her to the cortex, where Iris, Cisco, Frost, and Barry monitored the screens.

Barry: We reboot the Speed Force, and this happens.

Frost: What about your speed? It's been affected.

Barry: At least not critically. I'm trying to understand how this is possible.

Caitlin: I have no idea; I've never seen readings like these.

Cisco: You've never had a god as a patient. The Speed Force took form after HR's funeral, as if Zeus descended from Olympus disguised as a mere mortal.

Iris: But why would a god be asking for our help?

Caitlin: Whatever the answer, I must find a way to properly monitor her recovery.

Barry quickly went to the medical wing where Nora rested, then returned to the cortex.

Cisco: (agitated) Holy mother, Barry!

Barry: Are you okay?

Cisco: Yes, give me a second.

Barry: (placing his speed monitor) I put my speed monitor on her. For now, it's in the red. If it changes, hopefully, it will tell us if her speed power is recharging.

Caitlin: If that's the case, maybe she entered a coma state to recover.

Frost: It makes sense. And once she does, she'll be able to tell us who did this to her.

Barry: Maybe it's the same thing that can stop an antimatter bomb as if it were made of paper. Those are isotopic residues on her.

Cisco: You think the Speed Force did it? It must have been a massive fight.

Barry: Not as impressive as the one we'll give to the Speed Force.

Cisco: Okay, but we're not talking about an ordinary metahuman here. Whatever the Speed Force is, it has enough power to harm the Speed Force. And if she doesn't wake up, what will happen to you?

Barry: Hey, we've faced major threats, the Crisis, Savitar, Eobard, we've beaten it all. If the Speed Force did this, she should fear us.

Cisco: Whatever you say. I'll keep looking for isotopes.

Caitlin: I'll monitor the Speed Force.

Iris: I'll go to CCPD to check on Dad.

Frost approached Barry. Do you think the Speed Force will finish what she started? I saw the Speed Force die; I won't let it happen again.

After a while, Frost and Barry were searching for clues to defeat the Speed Force.

While Barry and Frost explored solutions to defeat the Speed Force in the lab, the tension of the moment gave way to a deeper connection between them.

Barry: We're dealing with something big here, and we don't know what else the Speed Force can throw at us.

Frost: (serious) But we know we have to stop her. I can't let her harm Nora.

The intensity of the moment led to a passionate embrace, where their emotions intertwined amid uncertainty and danger. However, Frost, noticing the stress in Barry, decided to change the tone of the conversation.

Frost: Barry, what if, after defeating the Speed Force, you and I go on a date?

Barry: (smiling) I'd love to go on a date with you.

Frost, with a mischievous smile, got closer to Barry and kissed him. What started as a gesture to alleviate stress became more passionate. In the heat of the moment, both were fully immersed in their kiss when Cisco and Caitlin entered the STAR Labs break room. Cisco exclaimed in surprise, while Caitlin looked away, visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

Barry, realizing with his speed, quickly put his shirt back on, and Frost did the same. Both, embarrassed, faced the awkward situation, while Cisco and Caitlin tried to process what they had just witnessed.

Barry and Frost, very embarrassed by the situation, faced the awkward presence of Cisco and Caitlin in the STAR Labs break room.

Cisco: (flustered) Uh, guys, it seems like I interrupted something more than important.

Caitlin: (trying to maintain seriousness) Is there any update on the Speed Force situation?

Barry: (quickly) Yes, yes, we were discussing strategies, and...

Frost: (interrupting with a nervous laugh) It seems to have gotten a bit out of hand.

Cisco: (smiling) Well, it looks like you found a different way to deal with stress.

Barry: (serious) Cisco, this is not the time for jokes.

Caitlin: (nodding) We need to focus on the Speed Force and find a solution.

Cisco: (regaining composure) Sure, sorry. I'll go back to the lab and keep searching for clues.

Caitlin: (to Frost and Barry) Continue with what you were doing, but keep the doors closed next time.

Barry and Frost, nodding with embarrassment, waited for Cisco and Caitlin to leave before resuming their discussion on how to tackle the challenge that the Speed Force represented. The interruption, although awkward, did not deter the team from focusing on the most important task: stopping the Speed Force and protecting Nora.

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