The Light Source Part 2

Comincia dall'inizio

"Even if I stop breathing, I'm not stopping." said Chip.

"Thanks guys." said Nick.

"Not a problem." said Maddie.

"I still love you, Nick." said Lily, patting her brother on the back.

"And I still love my kid sister." he tells her.

"You better love me."

"All right, lets ranger up." said Xander.


"Ready! Magic Source, Mystic Force!"

Suddenly their morphers were malfunctioning. "He stole our powers." said Nick.

"Oh boy." said Lily, gulping. "This is not good."

"Oh, man, not again." said Vida.

"We're not power rangers anymore." said Nick, starting to freak out a little bit. "Lily and I can't help mom."

"If we can't help mom, then we're doomed." said Lily.

On the other side of the portal, Clare was in front of the group. "How can anyone live in such a dark and smelly place?" asked Clare.

"I don't know. A few curtains." said Phineas and they suddenly heard a noise.

"Come on!" said a Styxoid.

"Hide!" said Phineas and they went around the corner.

"Why do we always get patrol duty?" he asked his friend. "I want to see some action."

"Ah, count yourself lucky. Those guys never come back." his friend replied and Clare sighs in relief.

"Do you think they heard us?" she asked, whispering.

"I don't think so." said Leelee.

"Uh-oh." said Phineas. "I think a rock spider just crawled up my pants."

"Shh!" both girls said to him, causing Phineas to shush his pants.

"Look." said Clare as they came out of their hiding place and picks up a piece of cloth.

"No." said Phineas as he and Leelee walks up. "I think I know where that came from."

Back at the fight, Gekkor attacked Leanbow from behind. "Full Power!" shouted Leanbow and flames surged through the sword as he sends his attack.

"This is exciting." said Necrolai, laughing as she watches.

"A lucky shot, but your luck's running out, Koragg." said Gekkor. "I'm going to take care of you once and for all!"

"Stop." said Sculpin as Gekkor raises his weapon. "It's Matoombo's turn."

"What?! I'm not done yet." he tells him.

"Yes you are. Matoombo, go!"

"Matoombo. He's such a soft..."

"Not as soft as you. Matoombo, finish this!" said Sculpin.

"As you wish." he said as he pushes Gekkor away. "When I am through with you, the master will reward me nicely."

"You're wasting your time." said Leanbow.

"I doubt that very much." said Matoombo.

"You're going down." Leanbow tells him.

"On your knees!" Matoombo said, making Leanbow kneel.

In the tunnels, Clare keeps looking at the cloth in her hand. "This must be from Udonna." she said to the others. "It's the only thing that's white in this weird place."

Power Rangers Mystic Force: White Mystic RangerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora