"Did you sleep well?" she murmured.

"Yes," I replied, smiling to myself for some reason. "What about you?"

"Good. Me too." she laughed softly, lifting her head to look at me. "When you weren't mumbling while you slept."

"Again?" I bit my lip nervously. "What did I say?"

"Hm, I'm not sure if they were actually words?" she lifted an eyebrow smiling.

"What? What do you mean-- Oh, I was.. my God, not again." I covered my face with one hand as if would hide my embarrassment.

"It makes sense because of what happened before. You know, when I could understand your profanity." she smirked. "But I'm sure it was the same thing."

"No! I wasn't dreaming about that." I said a bit embarrassed. "I can't remember what it was."

"Having sex with me?" she asked pretending curiosity.

"It really happened. You were there too, remember?" she joked with a giggle and I rolled my eyes.

"You're such an idiot." I laughed looking at her and she just shrugged, smiling. "Aren't you going to say?"

"Say what?" she frowned.

"You know what."

"Hm, I don't think I know." she said and I gave her a look.

I nodded and looked away. I wasn't angry or anything like that, I just liked when she answered. I felt it was kind of our thing, although it doesn't look like much.

"I'm kidding." Lauren chuckled, making me look at her with a pout. "I'm your idiot. Happy?"

I smiled widely and she laughed, shaking her head. She leaned over and gently kissed my lips. "Really happy." I whispered, stroking her face with my thumb.

Had not been two minutes of peace and I was already getting used when they knocked on the door again, but this time wasn't opened like before. Really? That's perfect, now keep waiting my permission to open doesn't matter anymore.

"Come in." I said a bit annoyed. Was Ally. She opened just enough to see her head. I imagine she was containing Dinah outside.

"Hum, actually your mother gave us order to wake you because you have to get ready for school, as soon as possible." she smiled and I nodded before she close the door again. I growled and pulled the blanket over our heads.

"Or," Lauren said, lying closer to me, if possible, and pulled the blanked away. "We could stay in bed for the rest of the day."

I looked at her and pouted. She just smiled and kissed my shoulder, distributing kisses up to my neck. I shuddered when she trailed her teeth across my skin but didn't bite.

"I, uh, I don't think it would be..." I stuttered. "Not a good idea."

I closed my eyes for a moment. She could win this one so easy, especially with the memory of what happened last night fresh in my mind, but I'd rather stay in bed all day with her If it weren't for the words 'order', and 'mother' in the same sentence.

"Do you really want to go to school?" Lauren whispered in my ear.

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth when she bit my earlobe. I felt my heart speed up and she hasn't even kissed me but she was so close and what she was doing wasn't helping at all to contain myself.

"I don't but I have to, you know my mother, she-- wait. What if she is still downstairs?! If we don't get up she can--" I stammered again but Lauren stopped me.

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