18. Enough

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The next morning I get up with a clear mind and refreshed feeling. That is until I halt mid-step at the top of the staircase. I hear my brother's voice, saying something quietly. I can't quite make out what it is he's saying.

But then I hear Gavi's voice, naturally louder, "Pedri, I need you to understand."

I lift my feet up careful, gently taking a few steps down the stairs so I can hear them both.

"I do understand," Pedri says calmly. "I spoke to Adrianna."

"You did?" the surprise in Gavi's voice pings around in my head. Did he think he knew me so well he'd know how I would react? Did he think he knew how I wouldn't want to talk to Pedri.

"She told me everything," he says. "I'm still not entirely happy with you guys for lying to me and going behind my back, but I'll get over it."

"I'm sorry, I really am," Gavi amends. "I know how wrong it was of me. I couldn't see it when I was wrapped up in the moment." Wrapped up in my sheets, I correct. "Now I can see the truth of the situation, and it'll never happen again."

The truth? What does he mean by that? 

"It's okay," my brother says gently. I imagine him putting a comforting hand on Gavi's shoulder. "And I don't want to stop you from... continuing something with my sister. As long as it's in a respectful way," he adds.

I hear a rustle of fabric, probably Gavi standing up from the couch. I retreat a step. "Don't worry," Gavi's voice says, "you don't have to worry about that anymore."

Another rustle. I take another step back up the stairs, my hand steadying me on the wall. "What do you mean?" 

"I'm going to end it with your sister. Not today, she's probably upset and I don't want to make it worse, but soon."

"You're going to end the fake relationship?"

"Yes. And the real one."

"Why?" Pedri asks. "I'm telling you not to do it on my account."

"This has little to do with you."

"Then what does it have to do with?" Pedri pushes. I take another step back, wondering if I can even handle hearing the response. "I know you have real feelings for her," he adds. "I can see it. Everyone can. I don't know how I didn't see it before."

"Maybe I did," Gavi allows. "But I didn't last night or I wouldn't have done what I did."

My heart freezes and along with it, every system in my body. What did he do last night?

"What did you do?" Pedri voices my thoughts since my mouth is frozen along with the rest of my body on the staircase. 

"Doesn't matter."


"We weren't together so I didn't cheat on her, but I might as well have." In his race for the door Gavi walks across the staircase, and I don't go unnoticed. "Adri--" he starts, his eyes landing on me. I've sunken down so I'm sitting on the staircase, knees balled up to my chest, one arm still up, clutching the railing.

I get up and take off up the stairs. I slam my bed room door and lock it as I fall into my room. I run over to my bed and collapse on it. Wow I've been dramatically slamming doors a lot recently.

Of course, a knock comes at my door. I take a moment to consider if I think it's Gavi or Pedri on the other side.

"Adri," I hear Gavi's voice call out to me before I can decide.

I ignore him.

"Cariño," he tries.

"Don't call me that," I pout, wrapping my arms around my knees.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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