9. Cameras

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Turns out Gavi having his license makes this whole fake dating thing a hell of a lot easier. We've gone on a date everyday this week since we haven't had to plan in advance, we can just go. Multiple times we've been lying around my house and gotten hungry so we go do our duty and get seen in public.

Because of this, Gavi and I have been getting a lot more comfortable with one another over the past week. It's easier to be around him now. I'm getting better at tolerating him, but mostly because I enjoy our little banter. I'm also getting better at kissing him in public. Mostly little pecks here and there to show how totally in love we are. Honestly I wouldn't believe it if I were a spectator, but most people seem to.

Today Gavi and I decided to go to a simple restaurant for lunch before his practice. He picked me up at my house and is driving us down one of the main roads. He's a better driver then I would have pinned him, but he's way too confidant in his abilities.

As we're driving and I'm fiddling with the radio Gavi takes his hand off the steering wheel and slides it onto my thigh.

I drop my arm from the radio controls. "What do you think you're doing?"

He glances over at me. "Driving."

"I meant with you hand."

He squeezes my thigh. "Being romantic."

"You just got your license, two hands on the wheel," I direct him, picking his hand up off my leg and replacing it on the wheel.

As soon as I let go he removes his hand from the wheel again and replaces it on my thigh, this time further up.

I glare at him. "Gavi."

"What?" he asks, a small laugh to his voice. I know he's enjoying this. "People are watching, I'm playing my part!"

"At this very moment your part consists of not getting us into a car accident!"

"And paying for lunch," he adds.

"That's after you don't get us into a car accident."

"Oh right." Still, he doesn't move his hand, despite his eyes being intensely trained on the road. Knowing it's a lost cause I relax back into my seat, crossing my arms.

We get to dinner a few long minutes later and Gavi locks me in the car until he can open my door for me so he looks like a gentleman. When I'm out of the car he closes the door behind me and catches my hand as we walk, swaying it back and forth.

Inside we get a table and sit down across from one another. He insists on being cutsie and holding hands across the table until our drinks come.

"What time is your practice?" I ask while picking up my glass of water and taking a sip, mostly so I have a reason to unclasp our hands.

"In a bit," he replies vaguely.

I tilt my head. I hate vague answers, especially when he's the one who gives them to me.

He sighs. "It's at two but I've got to be there by one thirty."

I smile. "Good, then lunch won't have to drag out too long. Sorry, I know you love my company so much."

"That's okay, I'll get to enjoy it all night." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes, taking another sip of water.

"Seriously," Gavi says, his face humorless this time, "do you want to go for dinner tonight?"

"If you're paying," I joke.

"I'm always paying." He smiles, more shyly then regular. "But it's up to you, we don't have to go out tonight since we came for lunch, I just thought--" he shrugs-- "we could go somewhere fancy."

Somewhere in the Haze - Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now