1. Good Morning Sweetheart

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I'm peacefully sleeping when I'm suddenly woken up by some horrific loud noise coming from downstairs.

I clamp my pillow over my head, trying to drown it out but the noise persists through. With a displeased grunt I roll out of bed, stumbling to my door and opening it. It's the blender. Who the hell is using the blender this early in the morning?

With my eyes still half closed, I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I peek through my eyelids to see Gavi standing next to the blender, his back to me.

When he turns the blender off I say, "What the hell are you doing here at--" I check my watch-- "seven in the morning."

He turns around to face me. "Buenos días cariño, (Good morning, Sweetheart)" he says, a small smirk on his face. He knows I hate his nicknames for me.

"Call me that one more time and you'll never wake me up with that blender again." Yawning, I head over to a stool under the island and pull it out to take a seat.

"Wait," Gavi says, following me over until he's standing across from me, "your threat was unclear, were you threatening to murder me or saying me calling you cariño one more time would cause you to die?"

"I haven't decided yet," I say groggily, trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes. After a few seconds I give up, deciding I'll go wash my face later.

Gavi leans overtop of the counter and uses his thumb to gently wipe something off my cheek. I murmur a thanks, my eyes closing more and more with every passing second.

My eyes however do not stay closed for long, but shoot open when Gavi teases, "The sound of me calling you cariño is so heavenly you'd simply die." He dramatically splays a hand over his heart as he steps back out of my reach.

It's my turn to reach over the counter so I can try to wack him.

"You missed!" he teases, as he bounces around in the area I can't reach him.

"Okay! I've decided!" I announce. "Throwing the blender at your head as we speak." I get up and head over to the blender, peeking inside of it. "What'd you make anyways?" 

He follows me over to the blender, leaning his hip against the counter. "What, you want some?"


"It's a banana peanut butter protein shake."

"Okay, yeah I want one."

He turns away from me to grab some cups from the cabinet above us. When he reaches up his shirt lifts, revealing his abs; and boy do I think that's just not fair. "Good thing I made some for you as well. Pedri would not be happy if you stole his."

"Aww, you were thinking of me?" I say teasingly, looking up at him as he retrieves the cups.

He looks down at me, handing over the cup. "Always."

"Stop flirting with my sister," Pedri says, coming around the corner into the kitchen.

"Morning Pepi," I say, going over and giving him a hug.

"Morning Adri," he responds, hugging me back. I feel the tension in his body diminish. We had this rule in our house as kids that you could politely decline a hug at anytime, but if you were going to give someone a hug it had to be a real one. We've stuck to that rule as adults.

"Why is Gavi here so early?" I grumble when our hug is done. I go and reclaim my spot at the island and Pedri goes over and sticks his finger in the blender to try the liquid. Gavi swats his hand away but Pedri still manages to get some on his finger to try.

"What do you mean? We have training at eight? And Pablo is always welcome here."

"But it's my house too, shouldn't I get a say who gets to come around?"

Somewhere in the Haze - Pablo GaviOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora