I smile lightly as I push the door open and gesture with my hand. "Go ahead."

Her hands slide over her thighs several times before her head dips and she steps down the carriage steps. My hand touches her lower back gently when I join her, ignoring the flinch she emits at my touch as I guide her away from the road.

"Aziel!" My mother's voice shouts as she runs down the palace steps. "Why are you home so early? Did you- oh!"

She's gushing from head to toe, tears filling her eyes as she reaches down to grasp Inara's hands. Inara leans back slightly, posture going rigid as my mother lightly squeezes her fingers.

"Oh, you are positively gorgeous! What is your name, dear?"

Inara swallows, fear practically pulsing off of her as she stutters, "I-Inara."

"What a lovely name! You'll fit right in here, my dear."

"Mother," I interject before she starts again. "Inara is actually quite tired from the trip. I think maybe some rest is needed before any more introductions or questions."

Her eyes fly wide with concern before she squeezes Inara's hands once more and lets go. "Of course! Sleep as much as you like, sweetheart."

I steer Inara a little farther to the palace steps, but am once again cut short.

"This is the lucky girl, huh?" My third whistles low before patting my shoulder and winking. "Good job, man."

I swear he's the only person in this kingdom besides my mother who doesn't treat me like the royalty I am, and usually I love that about him, but Inara is practically trembling at this point.

She's overstimulated and completely overwhelmed. Entering a new kingdom was a thing in itself, but being bombarded with everything within it? That's too much.

"Not now, Henry," I dismiss him as I walk right past him.

Inara's feet stumble up the steps at such a fast pace that I'm surprised she doesn't fall flat on her face before reaching the top.

She stares wide eyed at the midnight black doors, her head tilting up as she surveys the glittering palace I call home. It's my favourite building in the entire kingdom.

Its walls are black and grey with glittery highlights, and black glass shimmering in all the corners. Vines of painted stars climb up the rough exterior, each one a different constellation. It's like midnight in physical form.

Inara trails one of her fingers along the curved arch of stars lining the door, but then she quickly retracts her hand as if she was scorched.

"I'm sorry," she mutters. "It's just so beautiful." She shakes her head with a cringe before folding her hands neatly in front of her.

"You don't have to apologize for admiring what's yours," I whisper in her ear, so close that my breath makes little tendrils of her hair flutter.

She shivers, and I almost smirk, but then her eyes drop to her folded hands, silent once more.

I sigh before brushing my hand against the doors, prompting them to open.

Lamps flicker in almost every corner, but it's still a representation of the darkest night as I step inside, waiting to hear Inara's hesitant steps behind me before continuing.

"Oh my stars, your highness!" A voice calls from behind me. "I am so glad you're back early! The hunters have just arrived back from the Unknown Woods and I believe they found-"

"That's enough, Thomas!" I roar.

The frightened gasp from Inara makes me come back to reality, and I quickly calm my expression and emotions as I say, "This is not a topic to be discussed in the foyer. Tell Shila to arrange a meeting for tomorrow morning at 10. I will not be disturbed until then. Understand?"

My advisor swallows audibly before nodding in a quick, jerky movement. "Of course, your highness. Consider it done."

I don't wait for any more words to be exchanged before I lay a hand on Inara's lower back and guide her to the giant staircase covered in black rug in the centre of the room.

Her trembling is back, and my heart cringes as I realize it's probably because of my outburst.

I mentally chastise Thomas for being so blatantly ignorant. Not even my own mother knows of the topic he almost gave to everyone in the castle. It's not something I wish to share with anyone until I know for sure what I'm dealing with.

Inara stops walking at the pause in the staircase, looking at both branching trails before I guide her to the right one.

She doesn't make a single complaint as we finally reach the king's floor, and I don't know if I should be grateful or worried at her lack of reaction.

My door opens as soon as it senses my presence, and Inara gasps as the doors swing open without even a tap of physical contact.

"The palace is attuned to whoever rules within it. It is designed to serve its ruler," I explain as she slowly steps inside.

"Is this really your room?" She asks in awe, looking around the room with an adorable sense of curiosity.

I lean against the door frame, my posture and emotions trying to mock nonchalance as I reply, "No, Inara. This is our room."

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