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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

CARLOS HAD EVERYTHING planned out. The hole trip. The day Adora agreed to come with him to Portugal, he started to message with Leana to make sure, that it wouldn't be a problem, which it thankfully wasn't. At one of their first meetings, she mentioned how much she loved being completely disconnected from reality. It was then when he was sure that one day, he would take her to Portugal, to his house and to then also show her one of the places where he can disconnect from everything happening.

Yesterday he made sure, that he would wake up before Adora to pack an extra back for her, so that, if they wanted, they could stay overnight.

"Carlos, why are we going alone on the boat? Why is the team not coming?"

"Because, we're going alone. Just you and me, but if you want them to come-"

"No, no. I'm just surprised, I guess." She was surprised. It normally was a long progress to let the security leave her alone. It first needed a approval of the Parliament, then the head of Security for the Royal family and then it still needed a lot of preparation.

"We're going to drive out, quite a bit. No one else should be there."



how did u do it

do what?

getting them to allow us to be alone?

i pulled for some favours, nothing big
enjoy your time together, we're here at the harbour until you're back

thank you!

LEAVING THE HARBOUR, Carlos steered the yacht safely out into the wide of the sea. So while he looked out for a good position to anchor, she sat near him, beside the cockpit, managing the music, while also stealing a glance every now and then.

"You can take a picture, amor." Carlos said, having noticed her glance every now and then, to the woman, who now looked shyly away. "Already did that." She laughed shyly.

"Did you ever consider moving to somewhere else? Like outside of Madrid." It was a question, which had burnt on her tongue for some time.

"No. I lived in the UK for some time at the beginning, when I just joined F1, but then also when I was with McLaren, because they wanted me to be nearer to the factory. But I don't think I could move away completely, like forever. I already spend so less time with my parents and sisters and I would only become less, if I would move away. Did you?"

"Yeah. Especially when I was younger, still in school. I'm the spare to my brother. I could move away, trying to stay out of the public eye more. At the end of my studies in the States, I actually thought about moving to New York. I liked that I had more privacy. But then also, I want to help my brother and support him, just as much as I want to support my father and my mother. And I can do more here than in the States, to help people. That's what I ultimately want to do; help."

Silence came over them, as Carlos anchored the yacht. He drove them far away from the coast, in hope that, firstly, no one would be near them, so the two have some privacy, and also, so that no one would take pictures from the mainland. He wanted these moments to be theirs, moments just the two of them knew of. Nothing he wanted to share with the world. Usually he hadn't really cared if pictures of him with his ex-girlfriends were taken, it's was something he had just accepted, without thinking about something cleverer to avoid it.

Now he did think about something, now he cared more. It seemed more important, surly it was, because she's still a royal, he thought. But he seemed to enjoy the secrecy, or privacy, the media already knew that their together in Portugal, just as much.

After anchoring the yacht and making sure he let down the letter, twice, the two jumped into the cold, refreshing water. Spending most of the day either in the water, swimming, jet skiing or sunbathing on the yacht, the two had not one moment without a smile on their faces. 


liked by val

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

liked by val.borgia and 527.729 others
hrh.adora.os: 🌊

user6823: living of tax money, to live her best life while some are hungry or on the streets
-user256: she's together w carlos atm, maybe he paid, and even if not, she has always been very relatable with how she spend her OWN money

val.borgia: im jealous
-hrh.adora.os: where r u rn again?

notoah: @luc.lci u and adora r unfair to us
-snchezz.ale: ?
—notoah: luca is in australia atm, in the sun, and im in the middle of cold newyork
—-val.borgia: u can literally just leave and work somewhere else?

"CARLOS? IT'S ALMOST 7, when are we going back to the harbour? We should return soon."

"We can also stay here until tomorrow, if you want."

"Are you serious? Now you definitely need to tell me, how you convinced Leana to stay back. No way in hell she would leave me alone for so long."

"I've packed some of your clothes. They're in the bedroom."

i'm sorry that i can't update as much as before! i haven't had as much inspiration to write down this chapter and i also don't want to give you content without me being satisfied with it.

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