Chapter 4

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Later that day Kala was shown in her studies as she sits in chair wearing a dark purple dress with long open sleeves and her black ribbon corset on the front as her hair was down with a side braid reading a letter her brother Klaus wrote about how he was doing and gaining Katherine or better know as Katerina petrova she had did some research of the girl who looked just like tatia back from there human years and how soon he will be doing the ritual as she smiles.

She was happy her brother was finally going to be whole after there mother locked that part away see she didn't care he didn't he will always be her brother she was soon brought out of her thoughts by a knocking on the door making her put her letter up.

"Come in"she says as a book appears in her hands as the door was open as woesly was let in as he was in his Pope attire as she hides an eye roll as she sets the book down leaning against her chair.

"Hello queen Kala"he greets with a fake smile as he bows his head 'soon you will be replaced I found a girl from an old friend who will be your replacement 'she read his thought as her eyes flash out of anger before they go back to normal as he stands straight.

"Why are you here I was enjoying my book"she says board as she looks at him with her cold eyes while secretly puts a silence spell on the room as shivers went through his spine just stareing in them he felt like some kind of darkness in them.

"Well you know I respect you my queen me and the other popes have been talking and we decided that war would not be the course of action for if we put y'all's wealth into this war and end up loosing well the kingdom would fall to ruins and chaos "he says with a smile.

She smirks knowing what he doing the fool has no idea what kind of true army they have hidden just waiting for the command.

"Wosley do you like stories "she asked making him confused as she slowly gets up walking around the room her dress glides against the ground as the only light they had was the low burning candle as the fire shines in fer eyes.

"Once upon a time there was a greedy man who only thought about money that wasn't his and sticking his nose were it doesn't belong"she starts off as she circles around the room as he gulps.

"He kept crossing lines he shouldn't even by trying to find a replacement for the queen but it all fails in the end he had no idea who he was dealing with"she says coldy as she stops as she slowly turns to face him as he gets up from the chair as his eyes widen when suddenly the windows slammed closed on there own as he was suddenly pinned to the wall by a force as Kala slowly stalks to him as her eyes glow there purple reddish color as veins slither under her eyes as she hears his rapid beating heart.

"See you thought you had this secret plan but me and Henry knew all along you at are mercy and when you cease to be useful or when we're simply done with you we will have the pleasure of killing you painfully and slowly we know you have been stealing from us and trying to replace me but we are always one step ahead you see we have a special army just waiting for mine and his command to obliterate are enemies "she chuckles darkly as she stands in front of the frightened man.

She then looks his eyes with hers as they dilated "you won't remember what you saw or what was talked about until we say now sleep your wake back in your chambers"she compelled him as he repeated blankly before going unconscious as her shadows swarm over him as he disappeared out of sight.

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