Chapter 2

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Kala wore a black dress with long sleeves with gold trim as a golden belt wrapped around her waist that her corset underneath gave her a more voice look as she had her hair in elegant curls with some pinned back as she wore a tiara crown as she sits in a chamber reading a book by a fire place.

Henry comes in his usual attire after a long day "that bastard mosbey thinks I have no idea what hes been doing"he laughs as she closed her book as she gets up walking over gently grabbing his face "what did he do now my love"she asked.

"He tried to talk me out of war cause of money wise his greed is clearly showing but to keep her plan going I acted my part and cancel on the war which did not settle will with sir Richard who claims he has more of a right to the crown then I do"he says as he hugs her by the waist.

Before there was a knocking"king Henry "a females voice is heard of. Elizabeth blount who has been flirting with Henry as Kala growls lowly as Henry smirks this is going to be good.

She looks up at Henry "nobody will know is she's dead right"she asked as he chuckles before whispering in her ear"no my love we will see to that plus it's time she learns a lesson."he whispered with a smirk.

Kala smirks"indeed we shall but you will answer the door then invite her in and I shall get rid of the whore but not before frightening her first "she says before vanishing somewhere in the room as he chuckles walking to the door as he Opens it"yes Elizabeth "he says formly.

Elizabeth was standing before him with a very revealing yellow dress as she pushed her chest up"I was hoping we could have some fun"she says with a smirk.

"Elizabeth you know I'm married "Henry says hiding a smirk knowing what fate lies ahead of her.

"She'll never know please"she says batting her eyelashes.

Kala watches from the shadows as the whore walks in behind Henry as she looks around"it's seems you wife is not around "Elizabeth says with a smirk as Henry drops the act as he lets out a cold laugh making the smirk on Elizabeth's face drop as she backs up slowly as chills go down her back before the fire goes out as they were in darkness with a whoosh.

"Henry what's going on"Elizabeth says in fear looking around in the dark before one by one the fire comes back on before Elizabeth jumps when queen Kala appears in front of her with a cold lock.

"My queen I can....uh"Elizabeth stutters.

Kala shakes her head as she tsk while waving a finger"dont lie whore I have eyes and ears everywhere and they all say you with flirting with my husband for quite some time"she says taking slow menacing steps towards her as Elizabeth slowly backs away as she looks around for Henry but he wasn't here.

Elizabeth backs into the wall her heart beating rapidly as she was scared.

"Over the ages I've had to kill many whores that try to come between me and Henry I guess you'll be added to that list"Kala says with a mocking pout as a cruel smirk starts to form on her face as Elizabeth eyes slowly widen in horror as the Queen's eyes darken to a bloodish red as veins slither under her eyes as fangs slowly descends before tilting her head as a slow hiss let's loose as she then lunges at the women with her fangs bared.

Elizabeth goes to scream before Kala covers her mouth as she lines her eyes with hers as they dilated "dont scream keep your mouth shut and stay silent"she compelled her as Elizabeth shakes with fear as she soundly couldn't make a sound.

Kala slowly moves to her neck before harshly biting into it as blood starts running out as tears run down Elizabeth's face as she pushes against Kala but Kala was stronger as she continues to drain her before yanking her fangs out holding the weakened human as she looks at the pitiful women before Elizabeth's head leaves her body as blood gushes everywhere as the head and body drop to the floor.

"Never miss with a mikaelson or your end up dead"she says coldy as clapping is heard as she turns to Henry who smirks walking over to his mate and queen"you beautiful my love and blood looks good on you"he says wiping some blood before licking it off.

Kala shrugs "I've had better blood and I'll have my men take care of the body "she says rubbing his face she would kill anyone women who trys to come between them.

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