chapter eighteen.

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🚗 : the journey to the exhibition.
🎬 : sunghoon pov.


sunoo chewed on his sweets as he read his book on the coach since it was quite a long ride. however, sunoo's reading was cut short when i rested my head on his shoulder. he tried lifting my head back up, leaning it against the window, but after a few seconds - my head fell onto his shoulder again.

sunoo's eyes widened as he stopped chewing, turning to look at me before he lifted my head again - causing a quiet and tired groan to escape my mouth. but again, my head fell onto his shoulder, and he nudged me to get it off.

i hid my grin as i rested my head on sunoo's shoulder for the fourth time, purposefully. when he lifted it again, i waited for a few seconds before resting it on his shoulder for the nth time, allowing a radiant smile to plaster on my face.

"young man, don't get too comfy," a man's voice said, causing me to widen my eyes as i swiftly sat up; "if you're so sleepy, go sleep in the back row."

i turned around to see sunoo who was sat on the back row alone, and he was in fact sleeping with his head rested against the window.


once we finally reached the exhibition, sunoo got excited just seeing the statues outside, touching them carefully in awe.

"it's worth it, right?" i asked.

sunoo laughed softly: "we haven't gone in yet."

as we walked through the the showcase rooms filled with photographs of different galaxies, i eagerly read out the information booklet we were given upon entrance; "showcasing the perseverance of mankind since ancient times. the importance of exploring the universe-"

i got cut off when we saw the sculptures of different planets. sunoo swiftly walked towards the moon as i followed him.

"look, it's venus!" i whisper-shouted as we approached the sculpture of venus too, reading the information board which told us it's the brightest planet in the universe.

however, my attention was diverted when i turned around. "sunoo, look at that," i said as i repeatedly tapped him before he turned around, "dome theatre!"


we walked up the stairs of the screening, finally deciding to sit on the sixth row. as we watched the short movie, i whispered; "you know, my dad only cares about restaurants, and my mum only pays attention to me." sunoo turned to me as i continued - "i used to always feel like i couldn't breathe."

"sunghoon..." he began, "you said that each of us were made of exploding stars, then i'm lucky to have met you. my dad left early..."

i swiftly turned my head to the shorter as he carried on, "my mother's job is constantly being transferred. i just kept transferring schools. now... i only have her. how happy it must be to grow up with two parents."


the dome theatre had finished and we walked around, taking a look at the other showcases for a while before we finally spotted the built-in pretend space craft.

"put on the helmet," i said as we sat down, "fasten your seatbelt."

"ready to take off captain?" the younger teased.

i grinned as i pressed all the buttons before taking out my phone and connecting my wired earphones, slipping one into my ear as i then gave one to sunoo.

"this is what i specially downloaded yesterday."

the boy smiled as he put it in whilst i continued; "we're going to space together."

the announcer of the space craft began counting down from ten to one. "close your eyes," i said to sunoo as we were getting ready for 'take off.'

"i guess i'll act with you just this once," he teased as we both closed our eyes. however, once the bright light of the sun hit our faces, our eyes slowly opened as we stared at the 'view of space.'

then, the music in my earphones began playing.

now playing: express moon - jo yuri.

take a night trip
to the moon, through the stars
창문 밖을 맴도는 satellites


🎬 : sunoo pov.


i exited the spacecraft with my spacesuit and helmet on.

"kim sunoo has successfully exited the cabin, complete."

"sunoo," sunghoon said - "we are passing over the moon."

"this is the supermoon," i said with a soft smile; "we're right next to it, isn't it amazing?"

"isn't it amazing that i can bring you here?" the older asked.

"let's fly to the moon." a laugh escaped sunghoon's lips as i carried on, "don't you wanna go?"

"sure, then i'll take you to touch the crater. full speed ahead!"

the horn of a truck woke me up, causing me to swiftly raise my head which was on sunghoon's shoulder. when i realised, i turned towards him in confusion - my eyes still puffy and tired.

"you put your head on my shoulder yourself," he said.

"your bones are too hard, no wonder i had a nightmare," i lied.

the older grinned as he opened his wallet and pulled out the entrance ticket to the exhibition, holding it in front of me; "keep it. every time you see it from now on, you have to praise me."

i took it and held it up to the window, admiring it as he continued; "don't you think today's trip was particularly amazing?"

"hmm... i'm listening to a song for you, can you stop talking?" i turned to sunghoon who just nodded before i gave him one of my earbuds.

now playing: i don't understand but i luv you - seventeen.

"perfect," i whispered quietly to myself with a small smile.



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