chapter fourteen.

71 11 13

🎬 : sunghoon pov.


we both ran eagerly onto the roof, laughing. as i climbed the ladder that led to the higher roof, sunoo held it for me. "what on earth are you going to do?"

"we'll talk about it later," i replied - "come on," i said as i held the ladder with one hand from the top, my other hand was occupied with a torch.

as sunoo climbed the ladder, a small laugh escaped his lips; "all the sand from your shoes fell into my mouth."

"careful," i said as i took a hold of his hand and helped him up. even though he was perfectly capable, i didn't wanna be the reason he hurt himself. after all, it was my idea to come up here in the first place.

once we went onto the higher roof, i watched the shock creep up on his face when he saw my telescope.

"how did you bring it?" he asked with a soft laugh.

"magic," i replied in english - just to show him how much of a good tutor he was - before we approached the telescope.

"haven't you always wanted to see the supermoon?" i asked the younger, "don't thank me too much, just give me two sets of papers."

sunoo laughed once again, looking into the telescope with his left eye. however, after a few seconds, he frowned a little; "hm.. i can't see it clearly."

my eyebrows knitted together in confusion as i turned the fine focus knob, "what about now?"

"better," he replied.

once i looked up at him, it was suddenly like i couldn't look away. my eyes fell on every feature of his. his fair skin, his narrow yet long eyes where he had the perfect long yet short lashes, his pointy nose that made his side profile perfect, his low nose bridge, his plump lips - which were tinted the perfect shade of pink, and his brown fluffy hair where most strands fell onto his forehead.

"have you adjusted it again?" he asked, but his voice went through one ear and out of the other as my eyes fell to the mole on his cheek, and then his neck - where he was wearing his crystal necklace.

once i came back to reality, i quickly looked away and turned the focus wheel again. "wow!" sunoo suddenly jumped up in excitement and turned to me, "i can see it now!" he said with a bright smile before turning back to the telescope.

"you can still see the crater," he said in awe which made me break out into a quiet laughter.

however, obviously it was ruined when the security guard flashed his flashlight at us from the other side of the roof; "who's there?!"


🎬 : sunoo pov.


i gasped quietly as sunghoon grabbed my hand and quickly pulled us down, crouching as we planned to find a way to escape.

"what about the telescope?" i asked.

"it doesn't matter anymore, come!" he whisper-shouted.

once we finally lost sight of the guard, we began running into the school, down the stairs. however, our hearts sank when the guard was there - flashing his light at us.

"don't run! i see you!"

we hastily turned around and ran the other way, ending up in the storage room. sunghoon's heavy breathing filled my ears and when i looked up, we were close, too close, i could see the moles on his face.

our chests pressed together as he looked down at me, and i could feel his chest heaving up and down. "don't move from here," he whispered before swiftly running out.


🎬 : sunghoon pov.


"boo!" i shouted at the guard whilst holding the handle of the door.

"you scared me!" the man shouted, "of course it's you again. follow me to the academic affairs office. your telescope has been confiscated."

i looked back at the door of the storage room nervously, hoping that sunoo doesn't come out.

heartbeat / sunsunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon