chapter four.

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🗓️ : marathon day.
🎬 : jay pov.


we were all stood outside on the freshly-mowed green grass on the field as the sun's rays danced across the sky, painting the clouds in a cool palette of blue.

"good morning!" the principal, mr kang, spoke through the mic. "classmates! what greets you today is not just a ten-kilometre runway, it's also a long journey. don't be afraid of strong opponents, your only opponent is yourself. go forward bravely, for your own class!"

i sighed and checked my watch, wondering where sunghoon was since he was already around five to ten minutes late. i turned around to yungyu; "do you know where sunghoon is?" i whispered.

he just shrugged and shook his head. wow, so helpful. i squinted my eyes due to the scorching, bright sun as i looked around for him apprehensively with my hands on my hips.

"let us welcome together... an inspiring and healthy run!" mr kang finished. we all began stretching and preparing ourselves for the race. that was until i noticed sunghoon finally coming in, fully geared up in his shorts and t-shirt kit.

my eyes brightened as he walked with his hands in his pockets, taking one out to salute me.


🎬 : sunghoon pov.


once i finally approached jay, he laughed as he circled me. "look at youuu," he teased.

"what about it?" i replied confidently as i began stretching. "my dad said as long as i can get first place this time, he'll buy me an astronomical telescope," i continued.

when jay's attention diverted to something, or someone, behind me - i hastily turned around to see what could be more interesting than an astronomical telescope.

it was sunoo. he jogged up to jay and i before taking his position next to us, stretching like everyone else.

"it's also a sports school you know, who you trynna scare?" jay asked, well, mumbled under his breath. sunoo stretched by doing a lunge, extending his leg so far that his foot had reached mine i suppose.

i furrowed my eyebrows and waited for him to stop, before trying it myself. i stretched my leg all the way to his foot but by the time i was even able to finish, he had already turned around to carry on his arm stretches.

jay snorted as a laugh escaped his lips due to the fact i stumbled and quickly tried to move my leg away once sunoo knitted his eyebrows together in confusion at me.

the boy just rolled his eyes as i carried on trying.


🎬 : sunoo pov.


we were all at the start line, doing some last minute torso stretches to help us out. i turned to look at one of the boys in our class, jay, approach jungwon. jungwon's one of my first friends in this new school, he gave me a tour of the building and helped me escape my comfort zone.

"jungwon, here's these vitamins. you can replenish your energy when you're tired from running."

i grinned and made eye contact with him, raising my eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"oh, uh... no need! i'm trying to lose weight."

"there's no fat in it," jay insisted.

sunghoon looked over jay's shoulder with a smirk and grabbed the vitamins, "thanks."

the whistle blew, "everyone in their places!" mr kang shouted as mr jung raised the starting pistol, ready to shoot it once the race commenced.

"ready! set! go!"

the pistol went off, and sunghoon rapidly ran past those who were in the first line, including me, and sprinted as fast as he could.


🎬 : sunghoon pov.


i've had my eyes set on that astronomical telescope for the longest time. that's why, when the race started, i was the first one to start sprinting as fast as i could.

some people began getting in front of me, which i didn't really mind. however, then sunoo overtook me - which made me look back and sprint even faster so i could be in front of him again. but no matter what, he kept overtaking other students, making it harder for me.


🎬 : third person pov.


as sunoo ran, the sight of jungwon bending over in pain under the shade caused him to slow down and stop in his tracks before approaching the other.

"jungwon?" he breathed heavily, "what's wrong?"

"i think i'm having an allergic reaction," he replied as he showed sunoo his torso which was itching and becoming red.

as for sunghoon, sunoo pulled out of the race! less competition! the older stood at the zebra crossing, looking around as he thought of a way to speed himself up and win. instead of carrying on straight like everyone else, he hastily turned right.

meanwhile, sunoo had taken jungwon to a nearby pharmacy and told him to wait outside whilst he quickly got some ointment and treatment. once he retrieved it, he quickly ran out to jungwon and helped him take his outer zip-up off.

"next time, don't believe these remedies in magazines," the older said as he applied ointment on jungwon's hands so that the latter could rub it on his stomach. "they're all useless. moreover, you're not fat, what weight do you need to lose?"

jungwon laughed pitifully at himself as he slowly put his zip-up back on, "there's fat on my belly."

"you're perfect jungwon!external use of slimming cream does not participate in speeding up metabolism anyways."

on the other hand, sunghoon looked around as he ran into various backstreets that would provide him with a quicker route.

"formal introduction," jungwon spoke up; "i'm yang jungwon."

"then let me introduce myself too, kim sunoo, at your service."

the two snorted and laughed softly with each other. however, sunoo's attention was diverted when he saw sunghoon in the distance, getting into a taxi.

the new boy tilted his head in curiosity.


🎬 : sunghoon pov.


i finally joined back with the others after my genius plan. this time, i was even faster, and there were fewer people in front of me which provided me with an advantage.

i smirked at all those i sprinted past as the yellow finish line came into sight. this time, my legs moved as fast as they could, and i was the first one to break the yellow ribbon and cross the finish line.

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