Chapter 4: the Grand dream

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Gently, Dam Kra looked deep into her eyes. His voice, filled with both tenderness and determination, resonated with unwavering love. "My lady, I understand your desire to visit your village, to see your family once more."

He continued, his words laced with a promise. "I ask for your patience. When the time is right, I promise to bring you to see your family."

Lui listened intently, her heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and anticipation. She knew that Dam Kra's promise was genuine. In that moment, Lui made a silent vow to be patient.

As the moonlight danced through the canopy of the enchanted forest, Dam Kra and Lui found themselves engrossed in a heartfelt conversation. Dam Kra, ever curious about Lui's desires and dreams, turned to her with genuine interest.

"My lady," he began, his voice filled with warmth. "Tell me, what is your most desired dream? What is it that you long to do, to experience in this vast world?"

Lui's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and yearning as she pondered Dam Kra's question. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before answering, her voice filled with determination.

"My heart's desire is to explore the world, to learn and grow in ways I have never had the chance to before," she replied earnestly. "You see, my father always forbade me from venturing beyond the confines of our home. I was expected to stay indoors, waiting for everything to be handed to me. But I am tired of that life. I want to learn the most simplest things like growing plants and cook delicious food."

A flicker of understanding passed through Dam Kra's eyes as he listened intently. He grasped the depth of Lui's longing, her thirst for knowledge and experiences that had been suppressed for far too long.

With a gentle smile, Dam Kra reached out to Lui, his touch filled with reassurance. "Then let's do it! I'll prepared a place for you to learn to grow plants. And do everything that you want to do. I'll be here and support you in every angle."

Lui's heart swelled with gratitude as she absorbed Dam Kra's words. She could feel the weight of her father's expectations lifting off her shoulders, replaced by a newfound sense of liberation and empowerment.

With tears of joy glistening in her eyes, Lui looked deeply into Dam Kra's gaze. "Thank you, Dam Kra," she whispered, her voice filled with love and determination. A strange feeling riled up in her chest. She had never thought that her heart could beat for a monkey.

The next morning, Dam Kra told his friends to look for a piece of land so they can clear out the wood and cultivate the land for growing. All the animals obeyed his commands and they all went different directions to look for that perfect rich soil for the Monkey's bride.

As Dam Kra's animal friends scoured the enchanted forest in search of the perfect piece of land for Lui's dream, they stumbled upon a hidden gem. Nestled amidst the lush greenery, they discovered a spot that seemed to have been plucked straight from Lui's dreams.

Not too far from their home, the land gently sloped, forming a beautiful hill that overlooked a pristine stream flowing gracefully at its base. The water sparkled under the sunlight, its clarity a testament to the purity of the forest. It was a place where nature's harmony was palpable, a place where Lui's aspirations could take root and flourish.

With excitement and anticipation, Dam Kra led Lui to this idyllic spot, their hearts brimming with joy. As they stood together, their hands entwined, they took in the beauty that surrounded them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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