The Secret of Love

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Your eyes seem insecure
Do they even see how beautiful you are?
A diamond doesn't lose its value if
for some time it lays in the muck
As soon as it catches the sunlight again, it regains its brilliance

You're not beautiful because of something you do or not do or make an effort to show
You are beautiful for the way that you say things
For the slightly timid posture of your shoulders
For the experiences you bring along from your past
For the way you take your steps when you're walking next to me
Because all those things naturally bring out the good in me
And that makes me happy

When the world closes in on you
and you feel that you're too insecure,
incapable of anything or that you will never make it
Maybe my admiration can bring you some comfort too
And lets you find reassuring words to tell you:
You're there, and you're there already
And that is incredibly beautiful

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