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As you left the bathroom, you almost got a heart attack because Heeseung was waiting in front of the door.

"Yah, what the fuck? Don't just stay here, you scared me!"

He just rolled his eyes: "Don't be such a scaredy-cat."

"Says the one who literally screamed when he saw a doll at Halloween."

"Yah, don't bring this one up now."

"Well, I did, poor you."

"Whatever, now get out of my way."

"Yeah, your majesty.", you rolled your eyes, pushed him to the side and quickly left the situation.

"Your majesty?", you could hear him ask and hear him chuckle, making your heart beat faster but quickly you ran into your room, closed the door and leaned against it. A loud sigh left your mouth as you closed your eyes and felt your tears coming.

Why did your interactions have to be like this? It hurt so much...

As you opened your eyes again you saw Jay and Jake looking at you curiously.

Jay got up and walked towards you, slowly took your hands: "What's wrong?"

He looked at you so serious yet confused.

You just pulled him closer and hugged him, sobbed into his chest.

Confused he quickly wrapped his arms around you. "Shh, it's okay..."

Jake joined the hug and patted your back: "Did Heeseung make you cry?"

"What does he have to do with this?", Jay was even more confused.

After a bit you calmed down and separated yourself from them, then looked up to them: "Well, yeah... but I was also stupid... our interactions just hurt so much... we're always arguing..."

Jay nodded: "I noticed that though... why though?"

Jake then said: "She's crushing on him but he's an asshole and is dating all these other girls... you know what they look like, right?"

Jay started smiling: "Ohhh right!... well... I think we need to do a little something..."

He and Jake exchanged looks, you just looked at them in confusion: "Do what?"

"An intervention."

"Huh? Why? For whom?"

"Heeseung. And then for the two of you.", Jake said.

And Jay added: "Just wait and see~"


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