Uta vs Abell! A Battle for Leadership.

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"By fighting until they're unconscious?" Rave asks nervously.

"By proving who has the strength to lead the other." Gordon answers. "This is that type of battle."

It didn't take long for Abell to rise up from the debris and dust herself off. Uta wasn't at all shocked that Abell was able to shake off her attack, but she expected it to do a bit more damage. The best her slash did was slightly bruise Abell. Uta holds up her spear in preparation and clicks the button on the staff releasing its blades.

"See? I told you." Uta said smiling. "Now I'm forced to try even harder on you."

"Of course you were going easy on me." Abell said as she began to swing around her chain. "You are acting quite snappy today, I wonder why."

"Who knows? Maybe I'm just having fun." Uta answers, shrugging her shoulders.

Abell runs up and tries to punch for which Uta dodges with ease.

"Cut the crap, I can smell the Wakeshrooms." Abell said disgustedly. "I warned you about those, didn't I?"

"And yet, I still have sanity intact." Uta said, tapping her head. "Relax, I have only been taking it for the last three days."

"That's not the point." Abell growls as She raises her hand up towards Uta and the diva flinches as she knows what is coming up. "I would rather avoid fighting if possible, but circumstances won't allow that it seems. Let's get this over with quickly."

Here it comes.


All of the sudden, Uta jumps up from the air and disappears from Abell's point of view. The woman clicks her tongue in annoyance as the young diva escapes her. Abell hears something strange in the air and looks up to see Uta floating above her.

"You have a dangerous power that can subdue anyone." Uta said. "But just as I have suspected, with such a handy power, there has to be some limitations to it, right?"

Uta then jumps off the air and hardens her fist with haki. Abell hardens her chain with haki and tightens it between her hands.

"After fighting you so many times, I have figured out the way your power works!" Uta proclaims loudly. "Uta Blaring Punch!"

Uta slams her fist into Abell's chain and the air around the two women ripple. Abell knows that she can't beat Uta in a contest of armament haki and quickly retreats before Uta has the chance to break her guard.

"In order to activate your ability there are two requirements." Uta explains. "One, your target needs to be in range. About a distance of six meters give or take a few feet."

Abell ignores Uta's chatter and reaches out her hand towards the diva.


Before Abell could activate her powers, Uta's eyes glow red and she taps Abell's hand away from her with her spear which annoys her.

"Second, you need to activate it by aiming your hand towards me." Uta said proudly. "Pretty straightforward if you ask me."

Suddenly, Uta feels a sudden weight at the end of her spear and sees Abell gripping it. Abell then opens her opposite palm and aims it towards Uta.

"You don't need to see the future in order to figure out my powers." Abell said calmly. "However, you should follow your own advice."

"Uta Kick!" Uta yells as she kicks away Abell's hand.

The diva then jumps in the air and kicks the top of Abell's head, dazing her and loosening the grip on Uta's spear. Uta pulls her spear away from Abell and swings it around.

Uta's Idol.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz