"It's a hickey." Taylor said, answering his own question. "You got a man now?"

Raya quickly went and looked into the decorative mirror that was located in the corner of the living room. "Oh my gosh." She gasped.

"I think I have some foundation in my hair room that matches your shade. Cmon before Tristan comes back from basketball practice." Karis said and Raya quickly followed her upstairs.

Raya sighed as she sat down in the salon chair while Karis looked for the best shade to use. "Killian came over to my place to talk." She blurted out, making Karis whip her head around to look at her. "We didn't talk much because he was looking so good and it's been so long since I had a man's touch. I was longing for it."

"Whew, chile!" Karis exclaimed.

"Don't say anything to anybody." Raya told her.

"I didn't plan on it." Karis assured her. She found the perfect foundation for Raya and applied it to her neck. "But Taylor just might have some questions."

Raya sighed. "Yeah, his nosey ass."

"Okay, it looks good." Karis said once she was done.

Raya looked in the mirror and took a breath of relief. "That's perfect." She said as Karis picked up a random bottle of setting spray and sprayed it on Raya's neck. The two of them returned downstairs and found Tristan now stretched out on the couch.

"I hope you showered." Karis said as she kissed his forehead.

"I did." Tristan replied. "Auntie, you going to my game tomorrow?" He had two more games to play before he was able to fully enjoy Christmas. Both of them were home games and almost everyone was going to be in attendance.

"I told you I will be there, honey." Raya assured him.

"Aight, cool. I'm gonna hook you up with one of the assistant coaches. His wife just left him and he's been sad ever since." Tristan said.

Karis laughed. "Boy, you a mess."

"She's already spreading holiday cheer so I don't see why not." Taylor said, making Karis hit him.

Tristan sat up and smirk. "Auntie, you've been busting—"

"Too far!" Karis fussed. "Go upstairs now!"

Tristan sucked his teeth as he stood up and snatched his gym bag off the floor. "Daddy needs to go upstairs too because he started it."

"I'm grown!" Taylor retorted.

"Go upstairs, Taylor." Karis told him, shocking him and making Tristan laugh. "You shouldn't have been talking out the side of your neck!"

"Ain't this some shit." Taylor mumbled as he stood up. "I pay the bills around this bitch."

"And you keep on, you'll be paying the hospital bill too once they remove my foot from up yo ass." Karis threatened.

Tristan laughed. "Ma, you ate that one."

Taylor sucked his teeth as he pushed Tristan towards the stairs. Taylor will never admit it, but Tristan was just like him in his teenage years and he loved every bit of it.


"Uncle! Uncle!" LJ shouted, trying to get Tristan's attention as he warmed up on the court. The little boy looked cute in his Memphis Tigers hoodie, dark blue jeans, and blue and white dunks.

"He probably can't hear you, baby." Zuri told her son.

Malik sat down on the other side of LJ with two bags of popcorn. "Sit down, man." He said and LJ did as told. Malik handed him a bag of popcorn before giving Zuri the other bag.

"Malik, you need to help him eat that so he won't choke." Zuri told her husband.

"Aight, I got you." Malik simply replied—whatever Zuri said goes.

"Aww, look at him." Eva said to Cali who were sitting behind Zuri, Malik, and LJ. "He's so excited."

Tristan was dancing to Glorilla's new song, Yeah Glo, while a few of his teammates hyped him up. This was his first game as a starter even though he was one of the biggest recruits in Tennessee. One of the upperclassmen was injured and it was finally his turn.

Cali laughed. "Cant take him nowhere."

"Absolutely nowhere." Zuri chimed in.

"Stop talking about my baby, yall." Karis told her daughters.

The game finally started and Tristan was on fire from the first whistle to the last. He was making three pointers, layups, and free throws. He led his team with 39 points, 10 rebounds, and 13 assists. Tristan was marking his territory to be in the starting lineup for the Memphis Tigers basketball team.

"That's my baby!" Karis yelled as Tristan looked up in the stands and waved to his family.

While everyone hyped him up, Taylor had no words because there weren't any words he could describe on how proud he was of his baby boy. All he could do was smile. However, they were most definitely going to celebrate his big win tonight.



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