Krangified -ROTTMNT-

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Mikey flinched, dropping the paintbrush he was using onto the ground, causing the yellow paint to splatter across the hard concrete. Mikey broke out into a cold sweat. He kept getting these odd.. 'flashbacks' to the krang invasion. It shook him to the core.

Sighing softly, Mikey bent down to pick his paintbrush off of the now yellow floor. He tossed the brush into a cup full of murky water before standing up off of the stool he was sitting on.
Despite getting continuous flashbacks about the krang, there wasn't a chance he could be infected, right? No. Thats impossible. He assumed he would've been krangified long ago if that was the case.

Mikeys hand jerked again, slapping itself against the canvas. "Ow." He mumbled to himself, gripping his trembling arm tightly to avoid any serious injuries. "Why're you shaking? It's been months sense the I invasion. You're fine." Mikey sighed. "Why am I talking to my arm?"

He lifted up his canvas and placed it in the corner of the room along with a group of other failed paintings. Due to his shakiness, he was messed up yet another painting of him and his brothers. "Bummer," he groaned, "that one was going real well, too."
Shutting his eyes tightly, he gripping onto a nearby desk as his head began to throb painfully. "Goddammit. Not another migraine." Mikey groaned, sitting down on his bed as he rubbed his temples

. Laying down onto his side, Mikey curled up into fetal position as he gripped tightly onto his mask, trying to do anything to distract him from the pain. "Not again," he groaned.
Raph inhaled sharply, taking his eyes off of the television, which was playing Leos favorite episode of Jupiter Jim. "Something happened." He muttered, glancing at Mikeys bedroom door. Leo looked up at Raph chuckling softly. "What do you mean, bro?"

Raph paused, taking a moment to respond. "Uhm. Keep the show playing, Raph's gonna go check up on Mikey."

He stood up.

"Your sure, mama bear?" Leo asked, following his brother around with his eyes.

"Yeah." Raph responded. "Raph'll be right back."
Approching Mikeys door, Raph gently knocked on its wooden surface three times. "You okay in there, big guy?" He called out. For a few moments, all he was met with was complete silence. "Yeah. In alright." Mikey responded, his voice quite strained.

"Can Raph come in?"

"No!" Mikey snapped frantically. "Don't come in! I'm fine!"

Raphs nose noticably scrunched up. "I'm coming in, Mike." Before Mikey could protest, Raph carefully cracked open his door.

The room was covered in pink krang goo. There were webs of it from his floor to his ceiling, making Raph's spine shiver ever so slightly.

"Mikey? Where are you?" Raph softly called out, stepping inside of the room and closing the door behind him. Silence met his calls, and Raph took this as a sign to move further into the room, avoiding the goo that was covering the walls and floor.

As he explored, he could hear the sound of breathing ever so faintly. Once he turned around, however, the figure behind him scurried away like a spider getting light shined in it.

"Mike. I know you're in here." Raph gently spoke, taking out his sais. "Donnie can help you. Raph promises."

Raph snapped his head to the right, hearing faint snarling from behind him. "Crap!" He exclaimed, grabbing Mikey as he lunged out at him. Raph held his pink, goopy brother out infront of his body, moving his head back so he wouldn't get clawed in the face. 

"Jesus, Mikey. Why're you so stubborn?" Raph sighed, shifted Mikeys weight so that he was under Raphs arm. Walking out of the room, both he and Mikey caught Leo's attention.

"What the," Leo trailed off, his eyes widening and his face contorting into a look of confusion and dispare. He quickly lept off of the couch and made his way to the two brothers. 

"What happened to him," Leo frantically asked, "why is he all krang-y?" He stuck a finger in Mikeys face, only to pull back as he attempted to bite his finger. "You're asking me like I know," Raph mumbled, pulling Mikey away from Leo. "Lets just go to Donnie. He'll probably know what to do."
"What the hell?" Donnie exclaimed, looking his brothers up and down as they rudely barged into his lab. As his eyes landed on Mikey, his demeanor shifted to one of vulnerability and worry. He stood up off of his lab chair and locked eyes with Mikey. "Its been months sense the krang invasion. How did this happen?" Donnie spoke, not necessarily asking anyone in particular. Regardless, neither of his siblings could come up with a response.

Sighing, Donnie spoke once more, "sit him down."

"What about restraints," Leo asked as Raph sat Mikey down on a nearby chair, "y'know, since Miguel, over here, likes to maul people and bite their fingers off."

Donnie glared at his twin, pressing a button on his computer whilst maintaining eye contact. Four large robotic clamps emerged from the ceiling and floor, restraining Mikeys wrists and ankles to the chair.

"Oh," Leo murmered.

"The invasion was months ago," said Donnie, "the infection must've been in his body for months." He looked towards his brothers. "We haven't even been able to save someone who was been infected for three weeks, let alone three months."

Mikey let out a small snarl, snapping the others put of their conversation. They noticed that tears were streaming down his face as Mikey squirmed in his seat. 

"He can still understand you," Leo exclaimed, grabbing onto Donnies arm? "help him! He's still alive!" Donnie pulled his arm out of Leos grip. "Think logically, Leo," he started, "the infection must've been in his system for about three months. He's never been treated, so, it must have already made it to his brain."
Donnie gestured to his cranium before looking back at Mikey. "He.. he cannot be saved, 'Nardo."

"Thats not true, Donnie! Just try!" Leo cried, catching both Donnie and Raph off gaurd. "Save him," he whimpered, his voice cracking as tears raced down his cheeks.

Donnie shifted his unsure gaze back to Mikey. "Alright. I'll try."

Leo smiled wanly.

"Key word; try. I'm only trying because there's a small chance." Donnie continued.

Raph frowned slightly, "it's alright, Don." He lifted Leo up gently, "c'mon, Leo." He whispered, bringing his brother outside of the lab with suprizingly little resistance.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Leo asked softly, taking a small sip if his coffee. He and Raph were sitting on the kitchen counter, something Mikey would never approve of. 

"Raph doesn't know, Leo," he responded, fidgeting with his hands.

"But Donnie said-"

"Donnie lied, Leo." Said Raph.

"What?" Mumbled Leo. Raph glanced back at Leo and shook his head before looking back at his hands. "He's not.. Mikey's not going to survive this, Leo."

"Yes.. yes he will! Donnie said there was a chance." Leo defended, getting off of the counter and glaring at Raph, who shook his head again.

Leo huffed before storming off into the direction of Donnies lab, ignoring the calls from his older brother.

"He will survive this," Leo mumbled to himself; his steps heavy as he neared the lab doors.

"Donnie," he called out, "I'm coming in!" Not listening to his twins frantic reply, Leo swung open the lab doors, staggered at the sight before him. 
There were pools of blood there Mikey had once been. It looked as if Donnie was in the process of cleaning; he had gloves and glasses on, afterall. 

"Where's Mikey?" Leo demanded, his brow furrowed.

"Well.. I-" Donnie stammered, unable to find the correct words.

"What did you do with him?" Spoke Leo, his eyes widening and his head tilting

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Mikey angst oneshots -tmnt/rottmnt-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang