He's not okay. -2k12-

382 9 37

Tw: SA, mentions of zoophilia and pedophilia. Read at your own risk.

"Mikey are you ever going to get off that damn computer?" Raph questioned his younger sibling whos snoot was buried deep into the laptop screen. "Hm? What was that, bro?" Mikey responded, continuing to type on the computer. Raph growled softly, getting off the couch and shutting the laptop, earning an angered "Hey!" from Mikey.

"Donnie should'a never made you that laptop." Raph sighed. "You quite literally spend every minute of the day on it. What do you even do?" Mikey picked up the laptop and stood up, glaring at Raph. "I don't think that's much of your business, bro." Before his older brother could protest, Mikey stormed off to his room, shutting and locking the door.

"Donnie, open up. We need to talk. Now." Raphael demanded, banging on the geeks door. "What do you want, Raph?" Don spoke tiredly, opening the lab doors. "We need to talk about that damn laptop you gave Mikey."

"What about?" Donnie asked, moving out of the way as Raph stormed into the lab. Don shut the lab doors as quiet as he could, which was rather hard to do seeing as out heavy they are. "Hes on it twenty-four-seven. Haven't you noticed how quiet it is lately?" Raph remarked.

"Now that you mention it, I don't think I've been bothered as much while in my lab." The purple turtle recalled, leaning against his table. "Yeah. And remember that dude Chris Bradford? Mikeys first 'friend?'"

Donnie nodded.

"I have a feeling something like that is going on."

"Yeah, but Mikey wasn't that attached to his laptop. I think something else is happening." Donnie suggested. "Y'think?" Raph tilted his head slightly. "Mhm. We should probably go check on him."

"Yeah you're probably right."

A few minutes before Donnie and Raph went to check up on Mikey.

The annoyed, orange turtle threw himself into his bed with his laptop. He opened and powered on his computer and continued to text on it, smiling softly to himself.

Sorry I didn't respond, Jet. My bro was bothering me.

Oh, it's no problem Mikey. Do you want to meet up? Your brother wouldn't bother us that way.

Meet up? The last time he'd met up with an online 'friend,' it was with Chris Bradford, which didn't necessarily go the way Mikey had planned. But atleast he learned a cool new move!

Not so sure thats the best idea, bro.

Awe. And I was just starting to think we were becoming friends.

Alright, alright. Fine. Where do you want us to meet up?

Mikey waited. And waited. And..


He glanced back at his computer. Jet sent an address of a science lab that been abandoned for years. "Oh, I know there this is." Mikey said outloud.

No prob, bro. When do you wanna meet?

Right now.

Mikey blinked.

Right now?


Right. Yeah, I'll meet you there.

The turtle shut his laptop. Was he really about to do this? He hardly knew him. Well, I mean I guess you don't know any of your friends at first, right?

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