A Splash of Coffee

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On one side of the table, Suzy sat with her lawyer. She looked radiant in her pastel-colour coat, but her eyes were full of anger and resentment. Her eyebrows sat low on her face and her smile was nowhere to be found. It had been 15 minutes since they arrived, and all they had said was a polite 'Good morning'. 

Awkard was one way to describe the situation. They couldn't discuss an agreement if one of the parties was absent. 

"I'm sure he'll be here any minute." Namjoon looked at Suzy apologetically. "Would you like another coffee? A latte perhaps?"

Suzy rolled her eyes and looked at her watch. "I rather leave. If Jin thinks he can play with my time and make me look like an idiot, then he is completely wrong."

The tension was so thick that Namjoon thought he could cut it with a knife. "That's not my client's intention. I'm sure he's just stuck in traffic or something-"

The sound of the door opening interrupted him, but Namjoon was never more glad to be interrupted. There was Jin, looking as rough as ever. His hair was dishevelled, his tie off-centred, and his shirt untucked. It wasn't like the perfect Jin everyone was used to.

"I'm so sorry, everybody," the CEO walked up to his seat beside Namjoon. "Did I, uh, miss the blessed event?"

Suzy scoffed, not being able to stand any of Jin's jokes. Jin recoiled when Namjoon grimaced at his comment. Maybe it was his hangover taking effect over his surroundings but he couldn't control himself, mainly because he did not feel like himself today. Jin took a deep breath, hoping his headache would clear away soon. 

Namjoon leaned in to whisper. "Check with me before you talk."

Jin looked displeased but he could understand the logic behind Namjoon's request. After all, he already started things on the wrong foot.  

"Now that we are all here," Mark, Suzy's lawyer cleared his throat. "I'd like to discuss the terms of the settlement."

Namjoon raised his left eyebrow, unamused. "Terms? the terms have already been set. It's the little thing we like to call a prenup."

The other lawyer chuckled. "Namjoon, we've been through this enough times to know that a prenup doesn't preclude certain compensatory amendments-"

"Yes, but those terms have already been discussed in their particular prenup. Although if you can't understand I could also explain it in Japanese."

"She wants double the alimony."

"No way." Namjoon smiled sarcastically, showing his dimples. 

"Given the situation under which the marriage was terminated, it's not an unreasonable request."

"Mark, you're referring to the alleged infidelity, are you not?"

"Alleged?" Suzy slammed her hand on the table, making everyone jump. "He was having sex with her in our bed."

Namjoon side-eyed Seokjin as if to say 'Really?'

 "W-well," Jin stuttered. "I knew how worried you were about getting anything on the couch so-"

"How dare you come in here with the nerve to say that to my face," Suzy yelled

Jin pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh, here we go again."

Those words were enough to unchain a list of firing words from both sides of the table. Everyone was talking over each other. Suzy blamed Jin for all the times he cheated, while Jin tried to explain why he was unhappy in their marriage. 

"People, people, let's calm down." Mark tried to say but everyone was talking over each other. 

"Everyone, please," Namjoon yelled which caught their attention. 

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