Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2

Start from the beginning

Edgeworth: … 

Judge: … 


The entire courtroom went silent after Vasquez said that as Phoenix tried to find words to ask what the older woman meant by her losing and him winning. 

Phoenix: Umm… So… what happens next? 

Vasquez: ? 

Phoenix: Don’t “?” me! Don’t you have anything to say!? 

Vasquez: What would you like me to say? 

Phoenix: Huh? “I lost”? Something like that! 

Vasquez: I just said that. 

Phoenix: W-wait, so you mean… Dee Vasquez! So, it was you? You killed Jack Hammer! …

Edgeworth: … 

Judge: … 


Vasquez: Who can say? 

Phoenix: Huh? 

Vasquez: Are you sure I did? Mr. Wright… We just engaged in a battle of wits. And that result of that battle? You proved the possibility that I murdered Hammer. 

Phoenix: R-right! 

Vasquez: But… that is only a possibility. Proof is another thing altogether. You lack decisive proof. Mr. Wright.  

Phoenix: Wha… wha… wha… wha… WHAAAAAAAAAAT!? 

He screamed out in shock as the entire gallery whispered again as the Judge slammed his gavel down, silencing everyone as he glanced down at Edgeworth. 

Judge: Order! Mr. Edgeworth, your thoughts? 

Edgeworth: Umm… uhh… mmmph. O-of course, it’s as the witness says! … Certainly, it does seem very likely she did it… but, uh, there’s no proof! 

Phoenix: ‘...! Edgeworth’s isn’t sure!’ 

Vasquez: … Well? I came here as a witness today. If you've got no more questions, I’ll be leaving. 

Phoenix: ‘Urk! What do I do now!?’ I… I’d like you to testify again! 

Judge: Testify… again? 

Vasquez: Know when to give up, Mr. Wright. Think about it. Even if I were to testify again, what’s the point? I can only say what I said before. The truth, Mr. Wright. I’ve already said all there is to say. What would happen if I said it again? 

Phoenix: Uh… 

Vasquez: You’d ask the same questions, get the same answers. A waste of time. 

Phoenix: ‘Damn… damn! To come so far, only to fail…’ 

Judge: As it seems there are no further questions… I would like to end the cross-examination of the witness, Ms. Vasquez. 

Edgeworth: Objection! … 

Judge: Yes, Mr. Edgeworth? 

Edgeworth: I was hoping to come up with a question while I was objecting, Your Honor… I didn’t. 

Judge: I see… Very well. 

Edgeworth: Objection! Your Honor! I request that the witness testify again! 

Vasquez: You are the prosecutor, are you not? Why are you badgering me? I’m your witness! 

Edgeworth: I… I just want to hear your testimony again. 

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