The Conqueror of Flames

Start from the beginning

Gazel: Have you apprehended the proxy? Punish him severely.

Anrietta: Yes sir.

Gazel: ...And I want you to keep a close on those two monsters. It is unthinkable that we've let such beings roam free without caution. Do not allow yourself to be caught, no matter what.

Anrietta: Yes sir.

As the head of intelligence disappeared in the shadows, Gazel pondered on something.

Gazel: That Slime... it's power might be on par with that of the Storm Dragon Veldora.

The image of the great True Dragon appeared in Gazel's mind, but at the same time, another image appeared.

Gazel had only seen it from a distance during the younger stages of his three-hundred year lifespan. The image of a citadel set to flames at monsters and Demons a like roamed free, massacring the residents without hesitation as a shadow silhouette stood flying above the carnage, looking down without a care in the world.

That citadel had been a major settlement for the East, one that bordered Dwargon's own territory, now laid to burning ruins.

Gazel had never truly gotten a good look at the beings face, but he remembered the almost palish complexation of their skin, the long white hair that flowed from their head, and the cloak that looked to made of pure darkness wrapped around their form.

But the thing Gazel could never truly forget, was the presence the entity exuded... a presence he sworn he had just very briefly felt in that room.

The idea he was forming only increased after he remembered a report he'd about an empty prison deep with the mountain ranges of the East just mere weeks before this encounter. A prison that was meant to hold a very special and ancient danger.

Gazel: That Demi-Human... it couldn't be... has the Jester of Destruction broken free of his prison?


Fuze: So, it looks like the Eastern Empire has decided to stay put for now. At least there's that.

He rolled up the scroll he had been reading the report on and put it down in front of the group of three adventurers who all looked disheveled and hurt after some event.

Fuze: Our intelligence Bureau will continue to monitor them. More importantly, how did it go in the forest of Jura?

Kaval: Not only did it go terribly, but it kinda seems like you don't care that we manage to make it back in one piece!

Fuze: ...Give me your report.

Kaval: It sounds like you care more about that report then our lives...

Eren: The only thing I want right now is a hot bath...

Gido: I don't know what you two are complaining about, I'm the poor sap who had to listen you to two arguing the entire time we were traveling.

Kaval noticed the annoyed eye twitch Fuze was giving and quickly gave the report.

Kaval: A-Anyways, we searched the whole cave like you requested and Veldora's definitely gone sir. We weren't able to find a single thing that could hint of his presence.

Fuze: It's empty?

Eren: Yeah, there's nothing there.

Fuze: I see... the situation with the East is already bad enough, but the Storm Dragon suddenly disappearing isn't exactly helping either.

Gido: Situation with the East, I thought them staying put would be a good thing for you guys?

Fuze: Normally, it would be, but the reason for it's halt is... troubling.

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