eighteen | holly & jolly

Start from the beginning

"What're you frowning about?" Warren asks as he shoves a whole slice of apple pie into his mouth. I wrinkle my nose in disgust. He swallows quickly. "Sorry." 

"You'd think you'd learn manners by now. I didn't realize you were the same eight-year-old boy I left behind. Maybe if I go back to England, you'll learn proper etiquette," I tease.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm wholeheartedly offended." 

"Good. You should be." 

I take a slice of ham and some potatoes. This at least somewhat resembles what I'm used to consuming. I don't even want to try the orange marshmallow-topped thing on Porter's plate. 

We just talk about silly things for the rest of the night. 

I feel Warren's eyes on me. 

But I can't talk to him yet. I can't even think about what we were about to do. 


"WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Luke shrieks into my ear. 

I got home at midnight last night. The twins came to pick me up when my friends and I were just watching Christmas movies and playing board games. 

I left gratefully, wanting to leave Warren's presence as quickly as possible. He's texted me numerous times in the few hours we've been apart, but I haven't even glanced at my phone. 

I groan, and roll over, stuffing my head into the pillow. "Get away from me, Luke. I'm kind of busy right now, can't you see?" 

He chuckles, and suddenly my warm blankets are stripped away from me. I cry out in annoyance as cold air washes over me. I curl up, my warm clothes providing me minimal comfort. 

"I hate you," I snap. 

"You love me! I'm very lovable," Luke says. 

"Not necessarily." 

"What do you mean by that?!" 

I roll my eyes, trying to rock back and forth to create more heat. Suddenly I'm lifted up by my arms, and Luke lifts me into his arms. 

"Oh, bloody hell, Luke! Can't I just sleep in peace for once in my life?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest as Luke drags me away from my room. 

"It's Christmas! What are you talking about? This is literally designated family day."

"You didn't care about being a family yesterday." 

I feel a bit guilty when he stops talking, and becomes solemn. "We didn't mean to. Business is crazy right now. It was just bad luck that all of this fell on Christmas Eve." 

"What is it? What's the problem that all of you had to deal with?" 

I tilt my head to stare at him. He only chuckles and smiles. "Nothing you need to worry about. You're only fifteen." 

"You're only eighteen. We literally go to the same school." 

He shrugs. We enter the living room, which is empty, and he throws me onto the plushy sofa. I land with a soft thump. 

"Ow! You kidnap me from my room, and now you just toss me around like I'm a doll?" 

"Eh... I wouldn't say that. I'm acting like a wonderful brother." He flops into a chair across the room. 

I sit up, a gasp leaving my mouth when I see a fully decorated tree taking up most of the left side of the living room. Mountains of presents are under it. 

"When did you do this?" I ask. 

"Last night," Sullivan explains, strolling inside. He sits next to me as my other brothers walk into the room, settling into different seats. 

"Merry Christmas, Ev," Alexander greets me in a brighter tone than normal. I nod and smile in return. 

We begin taking turns and opening presents with our names written onto them. Luke mainly receives deodorant, because according to Zachary, he smells like a petting zoo goat. Luke doesn't take too kindly to this evaluation.

The two of them end up boxing right in front of the Christmas tree. 

Wonder who won? 

I end up with dresses, shoes, skirts, shirts, books, bows, jewelry, makeup, nail polish... I can practically stock an entire store with all of my gifts. 

Logan turns on the television to— according to him— is the best movie ever: Elf. I've never seen it. It's a fun movie about a man who thinks he's a real elf.

"I'm definitely the embodiment of Buddy," Luke says confidently, popping another piece of candy into his mouth. 

"Shut up," Cassian yells from the other side of the room, throwing a pillow at him. The pillow smacks Luke square in the face. 

I laugh, and pick up a chocolate, throwing it up into the air. It lands on my tongue, and I chew it slowly. The sweet taste expands in my mouth. 

I lean against Sullivan, and he wraps an arm around me. 

For the rest of the day, the seven of us— Alexander, Sullivan, Cassian, Zachary, Logan, Luke, and me— just watch stupid Christmas movies. 

I feel so safe here. 


I feel like I belong in this home. 

But then I remember all of the things my brothers have done. Seen. Heard. I remember that everyone that they meet will either be killed by them, or have killed someone else already. 

How can I live with them? How can I justify their actions when it goes against humanity? Their whole livelihood interferes with basic human morals. 

I can't ever accept this. I won't ever be satisfied with this. 

As I lean into my brother's embrace, I wonder how I'll be able to get out of this messed-up family before it's too late. 


Hello, loves! 

A Christmas chapter in the middle of March... yep. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, hopefully this was still a fun chapter! 

Evelyn is hatching her 2nd escape plan... 

How do you think she'll attempt to leave her family? Leave Warren?

Vote and comment pleaseee!

Au revoir, 


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