Business Is Booming

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Hello again readers, bet you weren't expecting one so soon instead of 8 years later

From based of what I've written I'd say this chapter starts off pretty slow so give it a chance please?

The sun beams down on...Earth?

Yes, it is just like any other day on this beautiful planet.

The camera pans down from the sun to see Tashi old work.

Its a busy work day but chill at the same time for most people inside.

The camera zips and zooms through the rooms of people until it gets to a particular place.

The bosses office.

Room 19, Office of Trapper Regan.

Inside his office, he had a window the opposite side of where his desk was which the whole wall was the window.

To the side of the room was the entrance and by the door were just cabinets.

The room was solid, looks like your regular business boss room.

At the desk sat Mr Trapper himself who was being interviewed by a woman with her cameraman.

"Mr Regan how is it you built such a wealthy company?! It's one of the most fastest growing ones in the world!" She asked.

He sighed and pulled up a weak smile.

"Well, everyday I keep motivating my lovely workers to work hard everyday, a nice and good boss is one you won't want to upset. I do my best at staying positive."

"I can really see that, I hope your business goes in the right direction but it looks like I didn't even need to say that because it is already!"

After the interview they all packed up their belongings and left.

Trapper watched with a smile as they left, but when the last person exited the door his smile quickly changed to an annoyed look.

After a few minutes he could hear talking from outside his door.

"You know what to do if he calls you." The voice on the other side said.

It sounded like the person he was hearing was on the phone until they stopped talking.

Trapper could hear footsteps from outside his door getting closer.

Suddenly a knock on the door occurred which he looked up at.

"Just come in" He said annoyed.

The door opened and what walked in was a woman with black hair and seemed to be Asian-american.

Her name was Sandra by the looks of it from her name tag that she was carrying in a box.

"What the hell do you want?" The boss asked sternly.

"I uhh, was wondering if I could take Tashis spot since yknow-" She said before she was cutoff.

That's when Trapperstarted laughing hard until he cut himself off.

"You serious? You wanna take his spot? Oh please I could force him to do anymore and he wouldn't question it, we made a lot of money rom that." He continued

"Well maybe because you exploited his words while he worked, but why won't you let anyone take his spot, he's not coming back here!" She responded.

He scoffed and sat up.

"Nothings going to happen for a while. The clients of this business like Tashi the most, and if our clients figure out it isnt him behind that desk, they all won't follow along much longer, losing My business MONEY, so I will manage until further notice." He informed

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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