A Shocking Chapter!

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I was inside my shelter with the 2 other mares

They were able to make a run for it to saftey before they got caught

But the dark side was that we were surrounded by these timber like wolves inside my shelter with no way out

But your probably thinking, why dont you just do an electric move you ask?

Simple; I dont know how to!

Fluttershy was pleading me to do that thunderbolt move but she just doesnt know

"Please if you do that electric move thing on them it can save us!" Fluttershy pleadingly said

But I decided to turn away from her because I couldnt do anything about it


The timberwolves started to tear the walls down piece by piece and all I was thinking about was my apples until the vet pony got an idea

She picked one of my apples up and threw it at the wolf

"HEY!" I screamed at the wolves and vet pony

But my screaming was usless because all the wolf did was catch it in its mouth, crush it, and spit it out which made me mad

"What are you doing?!" Fluttershy asked the vet pony

"Just follow my lead!" She replied back to her

Fluttershy started taking apples and started doing the same thing

"MY APPLES!" I screamed out loud

I was getting really angry at the hard worked apples I worked for getting wasted by these wolves

I could feel the electric spark around me the more angrier I got

Both the mares noticed and backed away

"My plan worked!" The vet pony said

"What plan?!" Fluttershy questioned her

"By throwing its apples out the window it made this animal angry so we can use its electric power to destroy the wolves!" The vet pony explained

"B-But wont we get hit too?!" Fluttershy asked

The vet pony looked around until she seen a ragged couch

She pointed at the couch and called to Fluttershy

"Behind there!" The vet pony called

They both made a jump and dive for it as I made a huge thunderbolt as the walls disintegrated

"THOSE WERE MY APPLES!!" I screamed following by a thunderbolt

The timberwolves finally tore the walls down just to see a huge yellow bolt coming towards them

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The timberwolves finally tore the walls down just to see a huge yellow bolt coming towards them

They all had an "uh oh" looks before they were in peices

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