The "Normal" Earth Life

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Here is where it all began

Here I am, A 21 year old man with regular jeans, white shirt, and black hair with black eyes on my couch watching kid shows, probably because the damn internet is broken

My name is Tashi Zitkus (weird name I know) just the non average person who works with a strict boss and stays up all night catching up on work just to redo the cycle again and again

But today was my off day and it feels GREAT to finally get some relaxation time

I was just switching through channels until I came up upon Pokemon episode that was airing and I loved Pokemon

But as I wasnt in the mood to watch it and I was about to switch the channel until I see a the yellow animal on the tv

And what do you know its the Pokemon everybody knows, Pikachu!

I stopped my thumb from pressing the button to switch the channel and I watched the little pikachu run around playfully with other pokemon

"man oh man do I wish I had some freedom like you Pikachu" I thought to myself

I chuckled after seeing Pikachu hop back onto his trainers shoulder and say "Pika!!"

If I were to choose my favorite would be Pikachu (Thats tashi speaking not the author)

Why? You might ask, because hes so iconic everybody knows him, everybody likes him and overall hes really cool with electric powers too

I switched the channel to see My Little Pony..?

I dont know why the show was still airing but I guess it was like those channels that air old shows

I did have a little sister that watched this show when I was little

I was gonna change it again but the show showed (Haha) 6 ponies in a time laspe going through different types of journeys and to be honest I was interested

This felt like one of those times where the baby show your little sibling watched was actually pretty good

And to be honest I respected the show A lot

As I kept on watching I got interuppted by a text from my boss saying one of my co-workers would be out sick for the week and I would have to make up their work when I came in tomorrow

"What?!!!" I yelled at the text as I was fumed by what my boss sent me

I got ready to type to defend myself because I wasnt do somebody elses work I dont get paid for!

I sent him a message saying "Why cant she do it when she gets back?"

My Boss sent a reply saying "My files are important and you should know that"

I sent a replied message asking a question

"Will I get paid more for this at least?"

My bosse didnt answer and his profile just went offline

"Oh you've got to kidding me" I said as I rubbed my hands down by face which my eyes had bags under them and it made me look like a living zombie

" I Should just get a dam new job this is driving me crazy!" I thought to myself

But thats would I would usually say and not end up doing because I actually had a job.... a hellish one to say the least

As the day turned to night I just decided to get some sleep, trust me if you were me you would have love to at least get 30 minutes of sleep

When I finally got a good amount of sleep I started my day like any other

Just brush my teeth change my clothes and brush my hair did the rest for work

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