Fight With Me

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I sigh in relief

I honestly don't know what to think about this life anymore

Sure Pikachus, Aka me, don't got responsibilities. anymore...that is.... besides making sure I eat but that's not the point

Now I wasnt much of a talker on earth and neither am I here

But damn this is lonely

Anyways let's just continue with the story cause I'm pretty sure that's why all of you are even reading this

Continuing off from where I last was

It was just little ole me looking for a new shelter with an apple in my mouth

But one thing that wouldn't leave my mind was Shian...

I don't understand! Why would that God pony give her the same after life as me

Shes literally the reason why I'm here in the first place

And yet she's gets sent to one of the most magical places after manslaughter..... yeah reeeeeaaal cool.....

I was so invested in my thoughts that I tripped over a log and the apple rolled out of my mouth

It kept rolling and rolling as I got up and tried to follow it

Why is this dang apple rolling so far?!

I don't know how it ket rolling in a forest like this but we are in a cartoon world so nothings impossible

I kept following it until I could see it drop off of a hill

I didn't know where the drop led too but I wanted to find out

Once I peaked over I seen that the apple had rolled into a dark cave hole

"Ugh, that was my only apple left!" I said after groaning

I couldn't even see into the whole but yet I kinda wanted to get my apple back so I tried to scrunch into the hole of the cave

I was a pretty chunky Pikachu but I did manage to fit my body into it

What I didn't know is that it was a random slide leading into the cave

So I slid down with my apple

"Woahh!" I said as I slid

I hit the end of the slide after a few seconds and plopped onto the floor

I could see that the apple I had dropped was also down here with me too

I try to analyze where I was but it was WAY too dark in this cave

I literally couldn't see anything besides the sunlight beaming into one spot of the cave

I picked up my apple and tried to exit through where I came

Turns out the rock slide I slid down wouldn't let me go back up because everytime I went up I slide back down

I took the apple out of my mouth and groaned

"Ugh, Great, I can't get back up this slide..looks like I gotta find a different way out"

I turned around only to see the dark abyss of the cave

There were ominous sound coming from it which for one creeped me out

Also random growling noises

"Wait, maybe I can create a spark to give me some light!" I said with some determination

I started rubbing my cheecks to try and create some spark and I did manage to get a little

"Come on! Come on! I can do this!" I told myself

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